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  (okay so some of y'all seem upset about toby witch is fair i can change it so toby has a small crush on     y/n but they won't end together obviously)

                  Three months had passed since Toby left the leaves were changing color and it was getting colder. Toby said he would try to visit you but didn't know if he could cause of Tim and Brian.

Your legs were healing no you couldn't walk but you could stand with heavy support witch was a start.

You'd been moving and stretching you legs with your hands trying to get them used to moving again. It felt wired and sometimes hurt. That wouldn't stop you though obviously. You were going to get out no matter what. You should probably listen to Toby he knew them better then you did. This time when you got away from them you wouldn't let them get you again you would end them before they could think it... Now that's a little dark but nothing about this situation was good so did it really matter..?

They were so much stronger then you... And could you really bring yourself to kill them..? You could try. No you would do it and  you would succeed. You would do this end them and your pains goes away they were the start of all your problems.. They had to go. When did you start thinking so dark? It was like they weren't even your own thoughts you were probably going crazy.

You were going crazy. Headache. That shit hurts so bad.. Definitely not as bad as when your legs got fucking demolished but it hurt like a bitch.

Knock. Knock.

"Come in." You called to the person at the door. Brian pushes open the door his camera in hand why'd he bring it.? He seemed to notice your confusion and began to speak.

"I brought it so I could take pictures of us. I don't have any pictures of us." He explains. You really didn't want to take a picture with him.

"What's in it for me..?" He seems a little shocked you would say that to him. Maybe he feels you should cower in fear before him. Witch actually you should be doing you were terrified of him. But you were also a bitch who didn't want anyone to know you were scared of them.

"Well Tim and I got something on our way back so you can have that if you take this picture with me.."

"Well what is it?"

"A surprise... So you gonna take the picture or what?"

"Not like I had much of a choice anyways.."

"Great." He said and sat down beside you taking a selfie of you two. That was funny to think of a killer taking a selfie of himself and his victim. You weren't smiling though you refused to smile in his silly little pictures unless you get more than what he bribes you with.

The camera flashed you wanted to blink just to spite him but he would make you take another one. The picture came out the top and Brian shook it till the image formed. He frowned a bit he saw you weren't smiling.

"What no smile?"

"Never said I had to."

He sighed and stood up. "Yeah whatever I'll go get your thing now.." He walked out of the room and returned with a bag full of clothes. He set it down on your lap and you began looking through them. They were warmer clothes for the fall. There were sweaters,  jeans, sweats also a few button ups and a sweater vest with was kinda cute.

"I was gonna get these anyways-"

You were cut off by a hand grabbing your face and bringing your face closer to his. "Look (y/n) i'm getting pretty tired of your attitude. Fix it." He said threateningly. You weren't gonna lie this man was very scary. Almost scary enough to make you shit yourself. Almost.

You nodded your head or tried and he pushed you away. With a lot of force might you add. He was pissed. He huffed stood up and walked out of the room. You would apologize later would you mean it absolutely not. You would thank Tim for the clothes later..
Standing up was painful your legs shook and hardly were able to keep up. You swore your legs were turning purple. You let out a sigh and let yourself fall back onto the bed. You still needed shoes if you were gonna get out of here... You could just steal there's..

You decided to read a book for awhile. Well you were going to just as you had it in your hand the door was opened to show Tim. It was very wried but you didn't think you were as scared of Tim as you were of Brian. Tim had done so many horrible things to you. But none of it was his idea you could tell that. No he wasn't stupid it was just Brian was incredibly smart and all those things were his idea.

Tim had set a plate on your nightstand. And looked at the bag of clothes on the floor.

"So Brian gave you the clothes early." He stated.

"Yeah he wanted another picture.."

"Ah figures.." He handed you the plate and you started eating it was fried rice and chicken. It was really good but you wouldn't let yourself enjoy it to much because of who made it. "(y/n), your hair.."

You set the plate down. "Did you want to brush it?" He nodded and took your hairbrush out of nightstand. He moved behind you and started brushing your hair. You could do it yourself and your sure Tim wouldn't be to hurt it you told him no. But it was strangely calming. He really liked you play with your hair sometimes he would even attempt putting your hair in ponytails. He sucked at it but it was okay you didn't mind so much...

You would you be able to kill him? Of course you would he hasn't been all sweet since you got here he was just as bad as Brian is now. It's kinda like they swapped places. Expect Tim doesn't manipulate you. And if he was he was very fucking good at it..
Waking up you sighed it was 3:42 you wanted to head back to sleep but the feeling of being watched was strong and you couldn't shake it. You were on the second floor it couldn't be watching you through the window unless it was like a bird or something. It would have to be in the room. You really hoped you were hallucinating your mother again. That had you so shaken up. You turned over and scanned the room. Nothing. The window them?

Blank face. He didn't have a face how was someone so tall he reached a second floor window!? You screamed. And started coughing violently your hand were bloody now and you could hardly breathe. You couldn't get any air in your lungs you were going to pass out.

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