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                    Everything was so blurry you couldn't feel your arms. What? Where are you this isn't your room. What's going on? Mom?

No no NO. You weren't in your room or your house even you were in some deranged murders house. They had killed your mother and kidnapped you.

You almost got away. Why did they have to come back so soon. You were almost there. You shoot out of bed despite your body's protests.

You headed straight for the door trying not to fall every other step. You hands reached the door knob you twisted it one way then the other then began to violently shake it. Come on come on!! Please I was so close.

After minutes of trying to open the door you were tired out. You slid down the wall and placed your head between your knees you were crying so hard right now. When you got your energy back you were positive you were going to angry.

You needed another nap...

(hours earlier Brian's pov)

Watching (y/n) get dragged by Tim didn't seem to anger me she deserved this after pulling that stunt on Tim manipulating him in such way.

To be honest I didn't think she had the guts to run away but this should've been expected.

booff (sound effects)

(y/n) fell and hit a rock form what it looks like, man that blood was pouring out quickly her head fell back down. I should probably do something about this...

I picked her up bridal style had Tim open the door for me. She had broken the window to get out... She really thought she could escape us...

Maybe she's not as smart as I thought. Walking into her room and gently set her down on the bed I left to the bathroom I got a damp rag and a huge fucking bandaid. Nice.

I wiped all the dried blood off her forehead and placed the bandage on her forehead. God she was beautiful such a shame she had so many bruises.

Of course I wouldn't hurt her physically but I could do a lot of mental damage. Make her so dependant on us she'll never leave. She wouldn't dare.

I walked out of the room To find Tim, he was downstairs on the couch we would worry about the window later.

"Tim," He hummed in response. "We need to think of a something to do with her.."

"You think?!?" Ah there he is.

"How about this we leave her alone."

"What? I'm not understanding."

"Of course you aren't, what I mean is we don't talk to her and completely ignore her then she'll be so desperate for human affection she will turn to us for it." Tim looked at me angrily.

"Fine whatever I don't care.." He huffed and got up walking upstairs to his room most likely.

Well (y/n) you will love us one way or another.
Waking up on the floor you were so much more aware of everything then the first time you had waken up. Like how you were aware about the bandaid of your forehead and how you would most definitely receive a beating form one of them.

You really fucked up bad huh? How were you so stupid of course they would come back early probably just to catch you in the act.

Fuck sakes you pushed yourself of the floor and paced around the room. what your next move? If this was a chess game you had one pice left and you were cornered. (i don't know how chess works)

You could always turn to anger and violence. Actually that would get you beaten so maybe not. You needed really badly to leave and leave town the city. Screw it when you got out of here you would be leaving the country!

If only your mother believed you when you told her. Maybe nothing would have changed possibly just leave the house for a night come back in the morning. At least you wouldn't be in this position.

You cant blame this on her this is all your fault you did something and they saw and liked it. You should just stop doing things.

Your throat was dry as hell. You needed a drink. You walked over to the door. Right that was locked and you doubted that if you called for one of them they would actually do anything.

So you would stay thirsty for now.. You can read a book for now forget anything ever happened. Leave this world for awhile and get lost in another one.

And that's what you did you read until the sun was down. It had to be late at night like 1 in the morning late. You wouldn't know cause you don't have a clock. And your most likely won't be getting a clock for a long ass time.

You put your book down on the night stand and covered yourself with the blanket. You were slowly drifting off into sleep thank goodness for that it was about the only other thing you could do.
When you woke up there was more then what you put on the nightstand there was a glass of water and the clock... Why was this here you thought you wouldn't be getting it for at least another month but here it is.

On the nightstand the clock read 12:47 it was a digital clock like the one you would bash every morning because you didn't want to get up for school. It was good to know they didn't set any alarms.

Well you got the clock you had nothing else to look forward to other then escape... Which was going to happen one way or another. You had to get out of here. It was going to take a super long time though. You were willing to wait though well maybe not.

If you had stayed while they left they would trust you the slightest bit more. Whatever trust they had for you is totally gone now though.
4 day's total you have only seen Tim and Brian when you requested to use the bathroom and when you were let neither of them talked to you.

It was really lonely you missed having interactions with them. Which is crazy you shouldn't miss them they are awful people and there still in the same house.
Another week went by they had only let you out of the room once a day. Sometimes when you took a nap they would come into the room and leave a water bottle or a plate of food never both.

At some point one of them did your laundry. Which was a good thing because that needed to be done. You were so bored you had finished two books and your sketch book was almost filled.

You hopped out of bed you have had enough of being alone you needed them to talk to you or even look at you.

You started banging on the door you had already been crying all day. Maybe they thought it was acting again. It's not you were genuinely crying for them to pay attention to you.

"Hey! Please let me out! I'm sorry I left! It won't happen again!" You yelled through sobs. nothing no footsteps no shifting you heard nothing.

you were yelling apologies and promises for maybe like five minutes before you heard footsteps.

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