It's Now Or Not Ever

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I miss my dad so much, I know it's been a few years now but I still think about him up to this day. I hope I get to complete the mission he was trying to fulfill. Justin, the love of my life, I still haven't been completely honest with him about everything that has happened so far. The intimacy between me and Jeremih, the fact that he kissed me. I wouldn't know what to tell Justin when this is all over. Jeremih may still try his hand. I hope this doesn't get ugly in the end.

Looking outside of the window just thinking of Justin.

Meaghan had just got up " Hey Taylor are you ok?"

" I'm fine I just still miss him a lot"

Meaghan came over to my bed and gave me a hug" I know I noticed the tears last night once I got back from the meet with Shawn."

I hugged her back also
"By the way how was the meet?"

Meaghan couldn't stop smiling, she didn't even have to respond I can tell by the look of it she is really happy.

Meaghan puts her hands under her chin and smiles again" It was amazing, he wants to be with me fully and seriously. He is really serious about me and I feel the same way too.

"That's great, I'm so happy for you guys. I know it will work out"

(Knock knock)

Meaghan got up and look through the door hole. She then turns to me " It's Shawn"

"Oh, goodie let him In, Aaron and John should be coming here shortly after."

Shawn greets both of us " Hey ladies how's it going?"
Meaghan hugged and kiss him" I'm good babe."

"I'm great too." With no emotions.

I wasn't all that great though with a lot on my mind and Justin it's like I barely could talk or function however, I miss him and I just want to be able to hug and kiss him just like Meaghan and Shawn did two seconds ago.
Meaghan and Shawn sat on her bed and chill.

(Knock knock)
I got up out of my comfy bed and blanket and opened it. It's Aaron and John. Smelling so good and also very intense too.

John and Aaron speak" Hey Meaghan and Taylor and Shawn"

Meaghan replies " Hey guys"
Shawn is surprised" Babe what is going on?"
Meaghan scoffs" A lot..."

John interrupts " Shawn alright we
came here this morning to speak with you. At the second senior party, something bad happened."

Shawn seems itchy about the conversation while folding his arms" Go on..."

"Mona and her friend got killed. Remember when Taylor came rushing to you guys shaking like a salt shaker"

Shawn interrupts" I figured... Two days after that I overheard a conversation between Stilinski and Major seems like they are hiding something. I just didn't want to imply it. It's not any of my business"

Aaron also replies" It's our business now we have to figure out what's going on here. We can't trust everyone. For you, we can make an exception only because Meaghan she likes you Mann and I can't break up a happy home.
Meaghan smiles " yes "

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