No Escape

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The guards aggressively tie us up and throw us in the military van and drove away. We don't know where to they are going but we are now trapped. They continued to drive and we are all looking at each other scared. We then heard the two guards talking on the speakerphone with Seargent Major and his son.

-Phone rings-

Seargent Major on the other line" Meet us by the institute by the train station.

Guard 1" You want us to take them where?"

Seargent Major shouted in the next line" Just do as I say! Now!."

-Seargent Major ends the call-

Guard 2" He's always so rowdy."

Guard 1" yeah.."

We are all sitting there wondering where are we going all I heard is something about a train station. The call was drifting in and out as the guards drive. It sounds like we are going to be driving for a while.

Jeremih looks at me "Pst"

I looked at Jeremih and rolled my eyes and whispered" What do you want!?"

Jeremih scoots over to my side and whispers" Get my knife out of my pocket and cut me loose please, Taylor!"

I looked at the guards and looked at him and whisper" You do know that they can hear you right?"

Jeremih sucks his teeth.

Guard 1 laughs" Young man, I took the knife out of your pocket. I knew it would come in handy"

Jeremih scoots back over to the other side.

Meaghan sighs and cries and Shawn tries to comfort her" Babe it's going to be ok. We are going to get out of here.

Meaghan leans her head on Shawn's shoulder " No It won't we are tied up we are not coming out of here!"

I looked at Meaghan and cried " It's ok Meaghan we are not going to die we are going to get out of here."

John and Aaron seemed quiet they looked like they are trying to figure out a plan to get out of there. John started urchin in pain. I scoots over to John's side and whispered" What's wrong?"
John sighs and started crying a little and whispered"One of us is going to die at the institute by the train station."
I sigh "Who's going to die?"
Aaron is asleep now and John looked at him and then looked at me.

I looked at Aaron and then John whispering" It can't be maybe this is a malfunction in your future premonitions."

John sighs in a whisper" It's not, remember everything I told you about your dad and you were true."

I cried whispering"So if everything is true and someone is going to die, are you going to tell me what surprise Justin has up his sleeve for me?"

John looked at me" Do you want to know now?"

Yes! What if we all don't make it out alive? I deserve to know what Justin plan on doing or what he was planning on doing."

John responds"Justin is going to Marry you.. he loves you and he wants to marry you he will propose to you very soon."

I was speechless for a moment but most of all shocked because I didn't know that he wants to get married now. Here I am stuck in this stupid van with my friends and not knowing if I'm going to make it alive or not. The guards started talking again and we hit a few bumps that had us uncomfortable. Jeremih is looking at me and is also scared as ever. Aaron is still asleep, Meaghan is crying on Shawn and Shawn is hopeless and doesn't know how to comfort his girlfriend. How did we end up like this? We are only supposed to find out what is in the third and fourth doors and that's it. Now I know what happened. I can finally say that I got the closure I needed for my dad and I got 2 million from my dad and it's at home in my drawer, I don't know if I'm going to see Justin again or my mom. I just want to get out of here. I am done looking for mysteries, now I know that Justin will marry me, and we will be forever happy. Dad was right in that letter he wrote me, we weren't going to Cali for war. They are planning on killing us and we have to get out of here.

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