The Heat Of The Moment

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I cried out while walking back to the school dorm...How could he do this to me, how could Meaghan knew this whole time and didn't tell me!! I trusted her. I trusted him.
I hate them all.
I heard some footsteps as I entered the building.
I panted "Hello is anyone there?"
Then I proceeded with walking around and I got snatched from behind and the next thing I know I was out like a light.

-Justin's Pov-
Justin went back to the club and saw Meaghan and Shawn. Justin is panicking"Have you seen her as yet?"

Shawn respond"Nah, We ain't see her yet we looking hard.

Meaghan speaks to Justin" Justin I'm so sorry this happened, Jeremih is an ass."

Justin sigh"I just want my baby back. I messed up. But I do love her. We need to find her."

Meaghan, Shawn, and Justin continued looking everywhere for Taylor.


-Taylor's Pov-

I woke up and my vision is in and out but I glimpsed around seeing that it looks like I am in a room with one ceiling light shining on me and I see some gates and I'm tied to a chair. It's the guy in the black hoodie. I started screaming "Somebody help me! Please."

The guy in the black hoodie pulled off his hoodie so I can see his face. "Sh"

I huffed" Who are you?"

He smiled at me while circling me"I will be your worst nightmare if you don't cooperate with me."

I cried out"What do you want from me?"

He laughs" Well first I would like to know where is that key. I know you took it."

I cried again"I don't know what you are talking about! Please let me go."

He grabs my hair roughly and punches me" You're not going anywhere till I get that key."

He then comes closer to me and tries to kiss me. But I kept moving my face. He looked similar to Sergeant Major. I'm wondering if that is his son.

"you're Sergeant Major's son, aren't you?"

He looks at me"Shut up."

"If you let me go now I'll give you the key."

He laughs "Baby girl I'm not stupid. You're not going anywhere."

Little did he know I had my communication necklace on me but it was off. If I can get it on it can trigger the alert to get Justin's attention.

-Phone rings-

Major's son answered the phone "Yeah I'm handling it now."
"Okay, I'll be there I'm coming now!"

Major's son sighs"Don't you dare move until I get back."

He then left me here by myself. It stinks in here. I tried to untie myself, I struggled a bit then I finally was able to get out. I got up out of the chair and activate the communication necklace.

I heard his footsteps he's coming back Shit!

I sit back in the chair and pretended to be tied down.

He came back in with a gun"Did you miss me, sweetheart"


Justin sees the communication is on. "Guys I know where she is. She is at the school down in the basement. I'm going to get her."

Meaghan interrupts Justin" We are coming with you."

Justin responds "No you can't come it's not safe, Shawn can come with me."

Meaghan sucks her teeth"Fine, I'll go home. Call me when you get her."

Meaghan kisses Shawn "Be safe baby"
Shawn kisses Meaghan back"I will go home I'll come there once we get her back."

Meaghan went home.

Shawn and Justin went back to the school and went down to the basement they heard and saw Taylor crying" Please let me go I don't have your key!"

Major's son responded and put a sock in her mouth to keep her quiet."Shut up! Bitch" 

Shawn speaks to Justin" Stay here I'm going to get an iron bat."

Justin responds "aight"

5 minutes later Shawn then comes back with the bat and gives it to Justin. "Ok here's the plan, I will sneak up on him and hit him with the bat and you go save your girl."

Justin agrees "okay"

Shawn sneaks in with the bat while Justin positions himself to sneak in my direction. I saw him and I started crying.

Major's son shouted while he was looking for something. "Shut up!"

Shawn hit him in his head with the bat hoping it would knock him out but it didn't. Major's son gets up and shoots at him but missed because he ran. Major's son ran after him. Justin ran towards me but I was already loosed so as angry as I am at him I cried in his arms he picked me up and ran out of the basement with me. Shawn is still running. Major's son ran back in the direction we were in and tried shooting at us. Then we bumped into Shawn"Guys this way!."
We ran out of the school and hopped in Shawn's car and speed off while Major's son still shooting.

We escaped. I cried even more because I'm saved but also still upset at Justin for lying to me.

Shawn speaks to me "Are you okay Taylor?"

I gasped "Yeah I'm okay"

Justin looks at me"Baby.."

I cried and just lay on him. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to forgive him for that. He and my best friend kept this secret from me. For all these years. I'm devastated.

Shawn looks at us through the mirror"Where to now?"

"Take me home, please."

Justin speaks to me "No, stay by me, please. Let me explain."

"I don't feel like talking tonight. I just want to go home to my mom."

Justin sighs"Baby please."

Shawn speaks to me"Give him a chance to explain."

I cried"No Shawn!, God just take me home."

Justin nods at Shawn and he wrapped his hands around me hugging me. I only allowed it because I needed some comfort. I'm still upset at him.

1 hour later. We reached my destination. My mom rushed to the door when the car stopped. I ran to my mom and started crying"Oh sweetie! Are you okay why are you crying?"

"I just missed you, Mom"

Shawn look at my mom and Justin came out of the car to grab my suitcase" Goodnight Ms. Harper."

Ms. Harper responds "Goodnight boys."

Justin speaks to Ms. Harper"It was a long night. But she's here."

Ms. Harper smiled at Justin"Thank you for bringing her."

Justin carried the suitcase into the house, then he walks out to the car. Shawn went in the car. Justin looks at me and speaks to me so my mom won't think funny"I'll text you, baby. I love you."He blows me a kiss.

Shawn and Justin left.

On the ride back to the club where Justin left his car.

Shawn speaks to Justin"Taylor is really mad I hope the two of you work out all your differences."

Justin sighs and rubs his head"Yeah man, I hope so too."

Shawn drops Justin off at his car and Justin went home.

-Shawn's phone rings-

To be continued.

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