Plan A

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With no sleep, it was hard to think straight. Meaghan and I cried all night. I don't know how the boys are doing they were probably at each other throats all night. Especially Jeremih omg, I could imagine him carrying on panicking. The guard came to the door and open up the little air duct. "Here's some food for you girls to eat." The guard drop the food on the floor and drop two bottles of water on the floor too then left. I looked at Meaghan " Should we eat it?" Meaghan shrugs "I don't know, I am hungry I'm going to eat and you should too." Meaghan got up off the floor and went to pick up the food and got mines too and give it to me" Eat". So Meaghan and I eat our food. We got sandwiches and some water. I wonder what the boys are doing. I hope Justin finds us soon.


Justin's Pov-
Justin gets up and wash his face and came out of the room rushing to get out the door but his dad stopped him" Son, sit down in the dining room and eat some breakfast. I made pancakes eggs and sausage"
Justin sucks his teeth" Dad right now I'm not even hungry I have to find her."
Justin's dad got up and walk up to him" You need to calm down Son you are going to find her. Now come and sit down and eat. Your mother died it's my job to take care of you."
Justin kicks his feet and turn back around and went to the dining room to sit down and eat with his father.
Justin is rushing his food so that he can leave to ask around. Justin's dad laughs " Son, the food is not going anywhere.. relax"

Justin slams the fork on the plate"Dad I can't relax, I just want to get her back. I want to propose to her. I know I should have done it a long time ago."

Justin's dad interrupts "Son even if you did it a long time ago. It probably wouldn't be the right time. She's younger than you she would have still been in school. You met her when she was in school"

"I know Dad, I just miss her"

Justin and his dad continued to eat their breakfast and Justin grabs his keys and left to go ask around for Taylor and her crew. Justin ask around went to every location she does be in and asked everyone and they said no they haven't seen her. So Justin went into Al's Relaxed Bar to have a drink. Justin sat at the table and the bartender guy came to him" What are you getting?"
Justin sighs and holds his head"Give me a double scotch please." Then shots just started lining off the table one after the next. The bartender came back to check on him" Man you have been here for two hours and I haven't seen you drink around here a lot. Not mean to pry in your business but what's going on."
Justin sighs and drinks another scotch" It's aight, I lost my girlfriend, some of her friends went with her too. All of them are lost and I have no idea where to look to find her."
The bartender sighs " Damn!, You mean that girl you came in with the other night."
Justin looks at the bartender surprised "Yeah her! What do you know"
The bartender replies"All I know is that she has a tattoo."
"I know man, I know she has a tattoo how is that helping me."
The bartender hands Justin another scotch"The girl who did her tattoo is named Tris, that's my homegirl we go way back. She has a tattoo spot not too far away. I can give you the address."
"What's in it for you?"
The bartender smirks"You see that girl over there."
"Yeah, what about her?"
The bartender gives Justin a card and a sex toy"Give her this and tell her it's important she knows who I'm referring to."
Justin sucks his teeth"Man I'm not about to shoot your shot for you. This is crazy!"
The bartender replies" Then you must don't want to save your girlfriend"
Justin sucks his teeth and grabs the card and the sex toy from the bartender and walks over to the VIP section and gives it to her. "Excuse me, Miss?"
She got up and walks up to Justin"It's Kim"
Justin replies"Kim. um, this is for you."
Kim laughs" Let me guess it's from the guy at the bar."
Justin scratches his head" Yeah."
Kim shakes her head and opens it." alright, I'll have a look at it."
Justin walks back to the bar." I did it now give me the address."
The bartender writes down Tris's tattoo shop address and hands it to Justin" Good luck and thanks"
Justin sighs "Yeah"
Justin left Al's Relaxed Bar and went to the location that the bartender give him.

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