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Jadeen POV

After she left, I couldn't focus on work. There's a possibility that I'm going to be a father. I got up and walk towards the big window overlooking the city. I never thought I would ever be a dad again; I can't believe I forgot to use protection. I just wanted to be inside of her so badly that my senses were fogged. I was high and really horny, and she had me going crazy.

I stood there just allowing my mind to wander. I can't allow the repeat of what my ex did.

I can't take that hurt again.

If I'm going to be the father of that child, I'm making sure I'm there throughout the pregnancy to see every change. I'm not about to be played once again.

With that thought, I sat back into my chair and try to finish up some work. 

It was quarter to 9 when I finally got ready to leave. Half of the workers had already left, leaving only the ones that are working on the app and the blueprint of the shelter home I wanted to build.

I wanted to help out the people that can't help themselves. With this shelter, people of all ages are welcome. I will also have teachers educating the young ones as if they were in school. For the teenagers, they will be able to attend normal school if that's their choice or they can be taught at the shelter. For the adults I'm would try to get them jobs as best as I can. I know it would be hard but I'm willing to give back.

I know what's it's like to not have anything or anyone. If it wasn't for mama Elaine I would've probably be at the foster home until I reach 18 and they kick me out because of my anger. I was angry at the world, at everybody that had a mom and a dad.

The day when mama Elaine adapted me I was just in the background of the room, not paying attention to anyone or anything. My face was set in a scowl thinking about how fucked up the world was, when out of the corner of my eyes I say a lady sit down beside of me. When I turn to her to tell her off she just smiled at me lovingly and  held out her arms to offer me a hug and that was all it took for me to break down and hug her back. That was the first time I ever cried for feeling affection.

I know I won't be able to make everything okay for them but at least I can help to give them somewhere to live, eat, sleep and get them back or on their feet.

Before I left the office I grab my gun. Not sure why but I just felt the need to grab it. Like something was warning me that danger was near.

I slowly walk to my car, looking around, trying to see or hear any movement, but there was none. I got into my car, and for a split second as I turn my head, I could've sworn I saw the silhouette of a person watching me, but when I turn my head in that direction it was gone. I shook it off, assuming it was just my imagination, and sped off towards Requilla house.

It didn't take long to arrive there. I knock and waited as hear light footsteps moving across the floor towards the door. She opens the door and stood there in a simple in sweat pants and a shirt, and I was already hard.

"Come in", her smooth silky voice broke me away from my dirty thoughts. I nodded and step inside, looking around. Her home was cute and was exactly her in every sense.

She pointed me to the living room and we took a seat on the couch. It was silent for a few minutes until she broke the silence.

"So, what now?", she whispered, not looking at me. I sigh and move closer "First let me start by saying that I'm sorry for how I reacted. It was unacceptable, and I really hope you can forgive me", I held her hand. She pulled away and sigh. I deserve that

"You hurt my feelings, but I understand why you would think that. I mean, if I was in your shoe and girl I had a one night stand with showed up at my office claiming that she was pregnant and I'm the father, I would automatically think they are either lying or be wanting money after finding out I am," she laughed, and I join her.

"So I do forgive you".

I exhaled deeply, relieved. "You're not upset with me anymore, right?" she hugged me, "no, I'm not," I breathed, nodding my head, "but don't make it happen again, or else your throat and my fist will become friends."

We sat in silence once again. She didn't move from my arms and I was enjoying her laying there.

"I want to be in the baby's life" I started. "I want to also be there for you throughout the pregnancy. I would have to assign a few bodyguards to you because I know for a fact you won't want to move in with me" . She nodded, bummer I was hoping that she would've disagree with that.

"I'll have to keep you safe since the news will eventually get out and reporters will be lining up at your door trying to get information on and about you", I watch as she paled.

"Can't we keep it a secret? I don't like people in my business and coming up with theories of how I trap you".

I pulled her closer against my chest.  "You didn't trap me love. You gave me the greatest gift that I could ever ask for", I smiled down at her. " We can keep it a secret for now, but the news will eventually gets out, especially when you start to show and we go out in public," I tried to explain as smoothly as possible.

"I'm scared," she hugged me tightly, whimpering.

"You don't have to be little one, I'm going to be here for you through everything, just trust me okay?"

I place a kiss on her head, rubbing my hand up and down her back, trying my best to comfort her.

"Okay," she smiled up at me softly.

After a few minutes I got up ready to leave even though I didn't want to.

She walks me to the door, and I placed a kiss on her forehead once again before I left. As I near my car, I got the feeling of being watched again, but when I looked around, no-one was there.

I should start allowing my bodyguard to escort me to places and stop going out alone I thought. I got into my car, taking one more glance at the house before driving off.

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