Chapter 22

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The next day Y/N left work early because she has set up a meeting with someone that she really needs to talk to as soon as possible. Luckily the person agreed and they decided to meet at a cafe. Y/N was there first and waited for about ten minutes while having a coffee before the person showed up.

"Why did you want to meet me? I don't have time for this." The person sighed in frustration and sat down in front of Y/N with crossed arms.

"Don't you think you're going too far, Irene-ssi? Asking us to transfer Yewon out is not that easy. On top of that you're only giving us one week."

"I already said what I had to say yesterday. I have nothing to add."

"Why do you hate me so much? Even if you really hate me that much, why do you also hate my wife and daughter who have done nothing to you?" Y/N questioned.

"You know very well why I hate you. I lost my sister because of you." Irene reminded her. Y/N dated Irene's sister when they were teenagers. However soon both families found out and things changed very quickly, Y/N's family was okay with it but Irene's family wasn't. They forced the girl to break up with Y/N but they were very much in love so she didn't. And then one day when the girl turned 18 she ran away from home without telling anyone. And from that day on no one has seen her. Not her family and not Y/N. The police also couldn't do anything because Seulgi did leave a letter forther family saying that she is running away out of own will and that they shouldn't look for her and since Seulgi was already an adult, the police said that they won't look for her. 

"She was a normal kid until she got involved with you. You made her sick and she ran away because of you!"

"I didn't make her sick. We just fell in love and the problem was that your family couldn't accept that. You're the reason that Seulgi ran away, not me."

"If she had never dated you this wouldn't have happened. You're the only person to blame here so don't you dare tell me that it's my family's fault. You ruined her life. You're the one that made her run away." Irene's eyes are really dark right now. It's clear that she has a lot of frustration and anger towards Y/N.

"If that's the case then why did she run away without even telling me? At least she left you a letter, she didn't leave me anything. I had no explanation and she didn't even break up with me before running away. Do you even know how long I wondered why she had done this?"

"She didn't tell you anything?"

"No. We were together the day before. She was acting weird but I shrugged it off and the next day she was just gone. I tried to find her just like you did but I was 16 at the time. I didn't have any power to do that." Y/N explained as she sighed. Seulgi was her first girlfriend and as you can see it didn't end well for them. They were in love, got along well, but Seulgi's family was just extremely homophobic which caused Seulgi to give up on them in the end and run away.

Y/N always feels guilty about ruining both Seulgi's and Jihyo's relationships with their familiy's. Both of them sacrificed their familiy's for Y/N. However Jihyo managed to hold on to it, while Seulgi couldn't.

"You really seem to be clueless, huh. She got abused after my parents found out that she was dating you. My parents forced her to break up with you, but she wouldn't listen. She kept saying that she loves you and that she'd rather get abandoned by us then leave you. And that's what she also did." Irene looked down remembering everything that happened in the past.

"You should have let her go if you loved her just like she loved you. Then maybe she wouldn't have gotten abused and maybe right now she still would've been my sister." Tears formed in Irene's eyes. Now Y/N can understand why Irene hates her this much. Y/N only saw Irene about twice when she was dating Seulgi so when Y/N saw her again as Hangyeol's mom she first didn't know who she was. She only remembered Irene's face the first time after Yewon got in trouble at school. Irene in the meanwhile has always known that Y/N is Yewon's mother.

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