1. Changes

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Three and a half years later.

I loved. I lost. I hurt. But healed. I have broken down. But I've gotten back up. I've frowned. But I've smiled. I've cried. But I've laughed. I've given up. But I've found new hope. I've felt alone. But I've found new love.

Things start out rough when you have a baby the Father didn't want. They get rougher when the Father decides he does want to be a part of the child's life. It's rougher when you find out you have another baby, all because a stupid mistake the hospital made in 2012. If you can imagine, it get's rougher when you get pregnant again. But the father doesn't believe you.

Over the last few years, I've been putting my life back together. I have three absolutely beautiful children. Max Ethan. Madison Jane. Megan Hope. They are the picture-perfect children in my eyes. I'll tell you more about Max, Maddie and Megan later. But there's one teeny-tiny problem. They don't know their father.

Liam James Payne is Max, Madison, and Megan's father. Singer. One fifth of One Direction. Liam is dating the newly famous singer, Olivia Chase. Liam helped Olivia get famous. Olivia's now signed with SYCO. She's already done an album, a tour, a movie, and she's working on her new album now. She's done two duets with Liam, and one collab with One Direction.

One Direction is still going strong. Their music is still amazing beyond belief, but the boys are unsure of their target audience. Being 24-25 year old guys, they don't want to write music for thirteen-sixteen year olds.

I still hang out with the boys. Mainly Louis, Harry, and Niall. Zayn's been really busy lately, and I don't talk to Liam for obvious reasons. I also don't hang out with Zayn much because he doesn't have any children that are around Max, Madison, or Megan's age. Well, Harry and Samantha don't have children around that age either, but whatever. I just like hanging out with Harry and Samantha because they're funny and carefree.

But, lately the boys have been having shorter tours and longer breaks in between so they can spend time with their spouses and children. Speaking of spouses and children...

Niall James Horan is doing okay. Okay, so Violet was pregnant. Niall and Violet were the happiest people you could ever meet. They spent hours every day, shopping for baby things, and chatting about baby names. This baby meant everything to them. Then they found out they were having twins, and they couldn't contain themselves.

They went crazy, decorating their bedrooms, and singing songs to her stomach. When the time came for the babies to be born, difficulties occurred. Violet's small body just couldn't handle the pain of labor, and she died giving birth to Mason James and Addison. Notice how there's no photo for Addison? It's because Addison died along with Violet on the hospital bed. She was too small, and her heart didn't work right.

It took a very long time to Niall to heal. He's still healing. Niall had to watch his girlfriend and daughter die on the hospital bed... It was very traumatic for everyone including me, Eleanor, Samantha, Perrie... Mason is the only thing Niall has left. If anything ever happened to Mason... You don't want to go there.

Then there's Louis Tomlinson and Eleanor Calder. Power couple. Still not married, but on top of the world. They want to wait until their careers die down before they settle down for good. But they're not breaking up any time soon. Emily (sorry guys there is no photo for Emily) and Cameron are so adorable. They're four now. Eleanor and Louis give them the cutest little outfits ever. Cam and Emily are like little Vogue children. Seriously, though. They're perfect.

Harry and Samantha are amazing too! I'm so jealous of their relationship. They got married about two/three months ago, and are so happy. They never fight. It's all fun and games with them. Life is their playground. They're always arm wrestling, having temple-run competitions and making castles out of lego. Plus, those two are very PDA. Always kissing, hugging, holding hands etc. They don't have kids yet, but it shouldn't be long. If you know what I mean. *Wiggles eyebrows.

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