31. Final Chapter

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Danielle's P.O.V

I've endured so many up's and down's in my life. So many changes in the past six-or-so years. I'm now a grown woman with three beautiful children and a charming boyfriend.

But do not get me wrong. It took a lot of work to turn Liam into a charming boyfriend, from a conceited douchebag. I'm hopping forward in the story.

After being in the hospital with Liam after the accident, things changed. I don't know if the accident affected his brain, but he became the most caring, genuine, and appreciative boyfriend anyone could ask for.

The years flew by. Max and Madison grew like weeds. They're almost as all as Liam now, and Liam's pretty damn tall. They're 18 years old. They've grown so fast. Madison excelled all through school. She got an art scholarship, and is headed to university in the fall. She's so shy and caring. She started dating a very nice boy named Hanson, who went to her kindergarten. They love each other very much.

Max is more outgoing and cocky. He goes to the gym, and competes in marathons with Liam, and is exceptionally good at basketball. Max decided against school in the fall, and decided he'd take a year off to travel instead. He's been dating Emily, which makes Louis uneasy, because Max is what you would call "dangerous." Not in a way where Max would hurt Emily, but he likes to drive his car like a maniac, and show off by jumping off the roof, etc, etc.

Megan's 16 now. She got her cochlear implant when she was 9, so she can hear her family and friends' words. She's still blind in the one eye, and her hands still deformed, but those are things she can live with. My Megan is a fighter. She has my crazy curly hair and passion for dance. She's still in high school, but wants to go to a performing arts university when she graduates in a couple years. She's so sassy, and it's been seeming that she likes to rebel against Liam and my rules. We've caught her sneaking out 6 times in the past year, and caught her skipping school twice. She's currently going-out with Cameron. Don't know how long that will last, with Megan's indecisive mind, but I hope it lasts because they're cute together.

Cameron and Emily are 16. Both really popular, both very smart, both with very outstanding facial-features that immediately attract people towards them. They're the dream team, and they use it to their benefit. They've won science fairs together as partners, quiz-offs, and a best-brother-sister-Halloween costume contest. Cameron is a really genuine guy. He brings Megan flowers weekly, and sends cute little notes, and helps her with her schoolwork. Emily's single, but not by choice. She has dozens of guys who'd jump at the chance to be her boyfriend. But she's holding off for someone better I suppose. She's picky.

Harry married Samantha, and they had one daughter a few years ago. Her name is Daisy Renae. She's three, I think. She has light brown eyes and wavy dark brown hair. She's very shy, and rarely speaks up, but when she does speak, she's telling jokes. It's great, she's not 3 feet tall and she's telling jokes to entertain the family.

Little Halle is about 12, and the newest Malik-edition is 11, and her name is Arya. Zayn has so much love for his little girls. Halle looks just like Perrie, with her bright blue eyes and bleach-blonde hair. Arya is more of a Daddy's girl, with her darker skin and dark hair. They're such a beautiful little family.

Niall and Holly got married only a few years ago. They dated for a long time before tying the knot. Addison, and Mason are now about 15. Growing up so quickly, it's crazy. Addison is so beautiful, though she's not related to Niall or Holly; she strikes an uncanny resemblance to them both. Niall's exact hair color, and Holly's bright eyes. Addison's been competing in beauty pageants, and winning.

Mason is really into guitar and singing, just like his Dad. Holly also had quite the impression on Mason as his new mother, and Mason managed to sneak out to get a tattoo just like Holly a few months ago.

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