14. The Fault

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"It feelings amazing to be dancing again. I hadn't realized how much I'd missed it," I replied to Drew's question. "You were fabulous, Danielle. Hopefully we'll get to see you in some of the other dances?" Drew questioned. I nodded, smiling, "Yes, I'm in a few more dances." I confirmed.

"My Mum dances really good. Did you see that dance she did?" Asked Madison, poking Drew's knee multiple times in a row. Drew looked down at Madison, a satisfied smile on his face. "Your Mum?" Drew asked. "Yup! And doesn't her hair look all beautiful?" Asked Mads, staring longingly at my dark hair. "I think my hair is a lighter brown then Mum's colour of hair. But cute little Megan's hair is more like Mum's. Darker and curly." Maddie thoroughly explained, tucking her straightened brown hair behind her ear.

"I don't know why my hair is lighter then Mum's. Probably from my Dad. I don't know who my Daddy is, though. My friend Hanson's Dad is pretty cool. He plays hockey with Hanson. All of my friends have Daddy's, except me." Said Madison, words getting quieter and expression getting sadder.

"But that's okay. I don't need a Daddy. My friends Emily and Cameron's Daddy is named Louis. He sings really pretty songs with his friends. I love his music. My Uncle Zayn just had a baby named Halle, you know?" Madison asked Drew. "Now my Uncle Zayn is a Daddy, too. Halle is really adorable and sweet. But I don't understand why I don't get a Daddy." Said Madison, expression a mixture of confusion and wonder.

My heart rate quickened with each word Madison spoke. I know Liam is one of the judges. I saw him. How did I not see this coming? One Direction is the biggest band that has ever emerged from X-Factor. I'm so stupid for not realizing either Louis, Niall, Harry, Zayn or Liam would judge.

I saw Liam sitting there. Right in front of me as I danced. He watched me closely. He watched my dancing. He met my eyes multiple times. But not once did Liam show a flicker of recognition. Olivia also danced in this dance, but it was obvious that she didn't hold Liam's attention.

Hopefully Liam doesn't put two-and-two together that Megan is our daughter. But Liam doesn't even know that I gave birth to Megan. He didn't believe me. Well, maybe Liam will think I'm just babysitting Megan? Wow. Now I'm just pathetic. I should tell the poor guy about his daughter.

"Danielle. A word?" Asked Liam, cutting off Madison's non-stop chattering. I gulped unintentionally. "Mum," Said Max, pulling on my arm, "That guy at the table over there said your name." The slow, deep, breathes I'd been trying to maintain began to fail as my breathes turned shaky and quick.

"Can it wait, Liam?" I asked, just loud enough for him to hear. Madison stepped closer to me, and protectively hugged my leg.

"Now." Liam said, rolling his chair out and climbing down from the judges platform. "Zayn," Liam said, turning back towards the audience. "Go take my place as judge. I'll be back in 10." Said Liam, heading backstage. "Room 1, Danielle." Liam said, disappearing into the dark backstage.

"I need you kids to go sit with Uncle Harry," I said to my babies, ruffling Madison's soft hair. "Who is that guy that talked to you?" Whispered Max as we towards the stage-stairs. "He looks familiar." Madison chimed in. "He's nobody." I whispered, ushering the kids over to Harry. "Nobody at all."


"Can you please explain this to me?" Questioned Liam, pacing back and forth across the dressing room. "What exactly do you want me to explain?" I asked. I clasped my hands behind my back and rocked on my heels. "Who that kid was." Liam replied, voice cracking. I think he already knows the answer. I don't really know what to say. Do I just blurt it? That Megan is his daughter? Or is blurting it just too casual?

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