7. Wife

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I dug through my nightstand drawers, trying to find my brown leather wallet. Today has been nothing but a nuisance. This morning I couldn't find my car keys, then my new car wouldn't even start. After that, I couldn't find my phone to call Harry to pick me up. Now I can't find my damn wallet.

"Hurry up, Liam!" Harry yelled from downstairs. "Samantha is waiting in the car, and we have to get going!" Harry added. Harry had been taking care of Samantha because she's been feeling ill. I guess I called Harry at an exceptionally bad time. Samantha was really annoyed that Harry was leaving her at home alone, so she tagged along with Harry to come pick me up. I'm supposed to be at the X-Factor for rehearsals.

"I'm trying to be quick! But I can't find my wallet!" I defended myself, giving up on the emptied nightstand. I moved on to the large 8 drawer dresser. Maybe it's in here.

I heard a drawn-out car horn honk from outside. "Seriously mate," Harry's voice echoed up the staircase. "It's Samantha's time of month, if you know what I mean. She's frustrated enough as it is. You really don't want to be making her angry!" Harry yelled, sounding tired and annoyed. The car horn honked again.

"I'm coming!" I shouted, giving up on the plaid button down and white t-shirt filled dresser. I pushed the drawer closed, and began walking towards the door. As I walked, my eyes continued to wander the room for the wallet. My eyes met my small white shelf by my door, where I drop my wallet somethings.

I crouched down, and began rifling through papers and scattered belongings. "Gum wrapper, tic-tac, nickel, watch..." I mumbled as I dug around. I pulled a small piece of paper out of a notebook, and examined it for a moment. It was a photograph of Danielle, Max, Maddie and I.

Max and Madison were wearing bunny costumes. Danielle and I were laughing at them, and hiding Easter Eggs. No, it wasn't Easter. But Max was begging to search for Easter eggs, so we let them. Even though it was early February. I shook my head, and folded the photo. I slid it into my back pocket, ands stood up.

Looks like I'm not going to be finding my wallet. Sighing, I flicked off my bedroom light and left my room. I bounded down the staircase, meeting Harry at the bottom. He looked very tired out and distraught. His curls were sticking out in all directions, and he tiredly leaned against the wall. "Are you okay?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't want to talk about it." Harry mumbled, standing up straight. He began walking towards the door. I shook off the odd feelings, and followed after him. Harry opened the door and walked outside. I slid on a pair of trainers I recently bought, and walked outside to Harry's car.

"Get in the back." Harry muttered, as he climbed into the drivers seat. I pulled the door open, and sat down. I shut the door, buckling my seatbelt. The car was dead silent as we pulled out of the driveway. The air conditioning wasn't going, and the radio wasn't playing. Samantha sat in the passenger seat, arms crossed.

I quietly looked out the window as Harry drove. "Where am I taking you, again?" Harry questioned, glancing at me through the rear-view mirror. He quickly averted his gaze back to the road. "This years X-Factor venue." I replied quietly. He nodded, and turned on his turn signal. We drove for another 10 minutes.

"Maybe we could go the doctor? Get something done, that can help us?" Samantha randomly asked, peeking over at Harry. I pretended not to listen, but secretly did, anyway. "I don't know, Sam... Sometimes it doesn't even work. It'd just be a big waste of money and it'd be giving us a false hope." Harry sighed, stopping at a red-light. "But... I want a family, Harry." Samantha calmly argued. "I do too." Harry sighed.

What's going on with these two? "I hate this so much." Said Samantha, voice cracking. I furrowed my eyebrows. "I'm sorry you got stuck marrying someone infertile," Samantha began to cry. Her head dropped into her hands, and her back began moving up and down as she sobbed. "Please don't cry," Harry begged.

Same Mistakes [Sequel to max and me]Where stories live. Discover now