13. Kids & Dancers

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"As most of you know, X-Factor was a little switched up this year," Said Drew, this years X-Factor host. "We had different celebrity judges every day for the X-Factor auditions. This year we didn't do judges houses. But we did boot camp, where we had Selena Gomez, Simon Cowell, Tyler Posey and Heidi Klum stepping in as the judges. We did all this because we wanted the live-show judges to remain a secret."

"But tonight they judges are going to be announced, and the contestants will be assigned to a previous winner/finalist mentor. Yes, this new way of running the show wasn't the best idea. We had to have Selena, Simon, Tyler and Heidi choose the contestants songs this week, and Selena, Simon, Tyler and Heidi were each assigned a category out of girls, boys, over 25s and groups." Drew explained.

"Now the previous winner/finalist judges will take over for one of the fill-in judges. Yes, it's very confusing. We won't be doing this ever again, I can assure you." The crowd laughed along with Drew. I don't know why they decided to do this, this way. It's way too complicated. I'm so excited to find out who the judges are, though. After that night out with Eleanor, I felt absolutely gutted. Never happening again.

I turned away from the brightly-lit stage, and went to check my appearance in the mirror. Tonight Perrie & Zayn are in the audience with Max, Megan and Madison. But it's not only them. Louis, Eleanor, Cameron, Emily, Halle, Harry, Samantha, Niall and Mason are also here tonight, cheering me on.

I can't believe they all came out here, just to watch me dance. They're such supportive friends, and I love them to pieces. I'm also excited for my children to see me dance. I can't wait until I'm out on the stage, and I can finally see my friends all together for the first time in years.


I sat in a dark red make-up chair backstage, while I got my hair done by a spunky stylist named Rain. I scrolled through Twitter on my iPhone while I got beautified. At moments it's embarrassing that I'm getting beautified, but I can't go out on stage with bags under my eyes and scruffy hair.

I'm seriously so excited for the judging tonight. I can't wait to find out whether I get the over twenty-fives, girls, boys or groups. I can't believe it's been so many years since One Direction were on the X-Factor. It honestly seems like just yesterday I thought I was getting sent home, and my dream was crushed. I held my phone out in front of me, and snapped a selfie. Rain laughed as she hair-sprayed my hair.

I put my phone back down to my lap, and posted the selfie on twitter with the hashtag X-Factor. I clicked off my phone, and began tapping my foot. "Don't worry Liam, I'm almost done with you." Rain laughed, as she combed my hair back. I smiled, and turned my phone on, again. I'm going out with the other judges in about 10 minutes. I turned off my phone again, and slid it into my pocket.

I told all my friends that I'm judging. Eleanor, Louis, Cameron, Emily, Zayn, Halle, Harry, Samantha, Niall, and Mason are all here to cheer me on tonight. I'm glad I have such supportive friends behind me. Perrie would be out there too, but she's judging along with me.

"You're all done. Thanks Liam." Said Rain, putting down her black comb. I smiled, "Thanks." Rain nodded, and patted my back as I stood up. I walked away, tilting my head to the side. I heard my neck crack a couple times. I gritted my teeth as I straightened up my neck. That hurt.

I walked out to the crowded back-stage area. I stopped in front of a monitor, and watched what was going on out on the stage. This years host, Drew, was explaining how this season of X-Factor was going to work. It's honestly very confusing. I can't exactly wrap my mind around it.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket when I felt it vibrating. I looked down at the brightened iPhone screen. It was a text from Perrie. It read, "leona, cher and I are waiting in room 3 backstage. we're gonna find out which category we're going to mentor this year. don't be too long." I put my phone back in my pocket, not bothering to reply. I'm kinda hoping to get groups. I want to mentor a group into success, just like Simon did with the boys and I. Create a new group, create new music, and new friendships.

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