6. Rehearsals

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I sat on the sofa, brushing Megan's hair while Max and Madison sat on the ground, watching a silly talking-dog TV show. I've never liked those TV shows... They never made sense to me. I had to wake the kids up early this morning, because I have X-Factor rehearsals. Today marks five days until the live-shows begin.

I still don't know who the old winners X-Factor judges are going to be. Maybe Perrie, Leigh-Anne, Jesy or Jade? That'd be amazing. Perrie probably would have told me if she was judging, though. But- you never know. That Perrie is pretty unpredictable.

I have rehearsals every day this week. I'm going to be dropping the kids off at Zayn and Perrie's house while I'm rehearsing. I'm so excited to re-unite with old friends, and have an amazing time. My best friend Sydney now has a daughter, Hailey Christine. Hailey is so flipping adorable. She's only 6 months old. All my friends are growing up and having children. *Sniffle.

I pulled Meg's hair into a ponytail, and secured it with a pink scrunchie. Satisfied, I put the brush down. Megan realized I stopped brushing her hair, so she climbed down onto the ground to snuggle with Max and Madison. I feel bad that I'm waking the kids up at 6am, but they can get more sleep at Perrie's house. Perrie generously bought three new sleeping bags and pillows so Max, Maddie and Meg can get more rest.

"Almost ready to go?" I asked the kids, yawning. Max and Madison nodded, while Megan just focused her attention on the TV. I've been reading about this ear-implant. It's a cochlear implant to be exact. It should help Megan hear. But there's side-effects that I don't want Megan to suffer with.

I stood up and pulled my sweater sleeves down over my wrists. Today is a fairly chilly day outside. The leaves are starting to fall from the trees, and the weather is slowly getting cooler. Summer is coming to an end. But that means winter is coming, along with Christmas, New Years and more.

"I'm going to go get dressed." I said to the kids, already walking down to my bedroom. I pushed my bedroom door open, and smiled when I saw my two cats snuggling on the end of my bed. Cute little Atlantis and Sassy. They're all grown up now. Ed is still living with Harry. Harry takes good care of Ed.

I walked over to my dresser, and pulled out baby blue coloured sweatpants and an oversized Maroon 5 band-tee. I threw them on, and slid some white slippers over my feet. No, I'm not going to wear skinny jeans or short skirts for dance rehearsals. My clothes need to be loose, so I can dance easily.

I didn't bother with makeup or hair. I just tossed my hair into a ponytail. Today is Saturday. Max and Madison had a great time at school this past week. When I picked them up from class, Madison went on and on about how she's so in love with Hanson. Hanson is pretty adorable, I'll admit. Max didn't look too amused with Madison's crush. I guess he's just really protective over his little sister.

Max had tons of fun with his new friend Benjamin. He told me that they both played construction man in the Imagination Corner, and apparently it was very realistic.

I just stayed home with Meg this week, and hung out. Eleanor, Cameron and Emily came over to play for a while. Megan, Cameron, and Emily are all four years old, since they were all born in 2014. All us girls painted each others' nails, and baked cookies for Max and Mads for when they got home from school.

Cameron, Emily and Megan will be joining Pre-School next year. I can't believe how fast they're all growing up. Times just flying past. I walked back out to the living room, and slid my purse onto my arm. "Time to get going." I called to my kids, who were all cuddled together in their footie pyjamas.

Groans echoed from both Max and Madison's mouths, as they stood up. Megan took the hint, and followed her older siblings to the door. They all pulled their thin autumn jackets over their arms, and slid their shoes over their pyjama feet. I smiled as I slid my own jacket on, and zipped it up.

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