Chapter 3: Poor Nerd

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I walked inside the school at half past seven. The corridors were almost empty, so without any trouble, I went first to my locker to grab my things, relieving myself from the pain of coming there later when the corridors were packed.

I then walked to my safe heaven in school, the library. I walked inside the empty library and sighed in relief while walking to my usual spot in a corner behind a shelf. There I sprawled my books on my usual desk and began to complete my homework that had remained.

I'm not someone to talk highly of myself, but I'm smart. I don't have so much time to study, but I listen well in class and get the subject as the teacher teaches us. I also do my homework or study more by coming to school soon in the morning, or going to the library at lunchtime. Also, I would study if I have the energy during the breaks I have at work.

One of my dreams is to become a psychologist or a teacher when I grow up, so considering our financial situation I need to get a scholarship to be able to attend any universities or colleges. That's if I can ever attend one in the future considering my life.

I was doing my homework fast when I heard a soft but deep voice in front of me.

"Goodmorning, Eleanor."

I looked up and smiled once I saw Ethan standing there, looking down at me while holding books in his hands. When I told you that I got bullied at school, I didn't mean by everyone. Most students here are normal harmless teenagers who are busy living their lives.

And when I said I am shy and all, I didn't mean I have not some classmates as close as friends. And Ethan is one of those close classmates that I dare to call a friend. 

Ethan Miller is very calm and collected. He is a handsome boy actually. He is tall, nearly 6 feet, and has a lean body but not muscular like the guys from the football team. His light brown hair is curly and always messy, making him look boyish. His blue eyes always shine behind his glasses and he always has a small smile on his face, giving him a friendly look.

His father is a dentist and he has a dream to become a dentist in the future and help people in poor countries. That is why he is studying hard to make his dream a reality. And those idiot bullies dare to call him a nerd. Imbeciles.

"Good morning, Ethan." I smiled warmly at him. "What are you doing here?"

"I needed a few books for the history essay I should write." he said while sitting on the chair in front of me. He looked at the messy desk and frowned. "Are you done with your homework?" he asked and glanced at his watch. "It's almost 8. We can go to class together."

"Yup." I answered as I circled my last answer and began to collect my notes and papers. "Thank you for waiting for me."

"You're welcome." he answered. "I would be happy If I can help you in any way, Ella, and you know this."

I looked up at him as I detect worry laced with his words and sure enough, I saw concern in his blue eyes as he scanned my face. "You look so tired. Again." he said softly.

"I'm fine, Ethan." I forced a smile while I put my last book in my bag and stood up, putting the string of my bag on my shoulder. "I'm fine."

Actually, he and another person are the only ones at school who know about my mom and about me working my ass off. But still, they don't know how much I work. I never opened myself for them, not feeling comfortable. 

He sighed and dropped his head before standing up and pushing his glasses up his nose. "As you say." he said but walked over to me and put a gentle hand on my shoulder. "Just know that you have me if you ever want someone to talk to."

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