Chapter 30: Approval

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Mom woke up three days ago. Let's just say I was over the moon. I was there when it happened. I was finally allowed to sit beside her bed wearing a visitors gown. I was sitting there begging her in my head to open her eyes when suddenly I saw her fingers move and a machine began to beep.

I was scared and quickly yelled for a doctor. They ushered me out of the room and for a second my heart sank as I saw them removing some of the tubes and machines from her. But then one of the nurses walked out and told me that mom had gained back consciousness.

She only opened her eyes for a few minutes and she was still drowsy and in a daze and wasn't able to talk at all. She woke up fully the next day around noon. I hugged her on the bed the best I could and cried for good five minutes before her soothing words and caressing my hair finally had me calm down.

She was quick to ask me how I have prepared the money for the surgery. She wasn't very pleased about the fact that Chris had paid that great sum of money. But when a few hours later Chris came with Liam and Daisy, she hugged him tight and cried while thanking him over and over, making Chris also cry as well.

Everything was so perfect that day. I had no worries. I was happy deeply. The doctors were so pleased with mom's recovery and told us she can come home in three weeks. Wasn't it perfect?

I went to work the day after mom's surgery. And I was shocked to find out Chris had another position now. He was working with Jax as a kind of his assistant. He looked so handsome wearing a white dress shirt and dress pants. 

Being a manager surely suited him, but I couldn't help but feel guilty. He didn't like the field of business and he was only doing that because of helping me. And I could see something was off about him since Friday when I met him after his football practice.

He thought I didn't know because he was doing his best to act normal around me. But I knew something wasn't right with him. He was keeping more to himself and his eyes were distant and hard whenever he thought I wasn't looking. Even the way he would kiss had changed. He was kissing me like his life and sanity really depend on that; like I was a cure to the storm that was inside of him.

I had tried to ask Chase. Chase was still working in the restaurant. He said he liked it there and wanted to stay like that for the rest of the school until graduation. He had become a good friend of mine too. 

I knew he knew the reason behind Chris's behavior. They were brothers. He had first denied it saying it was Chris being Chris. But after I pestered him, he finally gave up and said I was right but it was not his place to tell me and I should ask Chris myself.

So here I was, carrying lunch for both of me and Chris in a tray. It had become a routine for us. I would get food for us at my dinner or lunch time and we would eat in Jax's office where Chris was working. 

Once in front of the office, I balanced the tray in one hand and knocked on the door. 

"Come in." Chris's deep voice greeted me, making my heart flutter and a smile come to my face.

I turned the knob and walked in. There he was sitting behind Jax's desk, writing something down. He looked so attractive. He was wearing a black dress shirt and a silver tie around his neck. A deep frown was on his face as he concentrated on what he was doing.

The CEO genes were running through his blood for sure.

Yet I could see he was frustrated a bit. His tie was loose and his hair was messy as if he had run his hand through his hair a thousand times. 

He looked up and his eyes lit up instantly at my sight. "Hey, beautiful." he greeted me with a beautiful smile and pushed the papers away to open up a place for the tray.

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