Unfamiliar Feelings...

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Author's Note: Before I get into this chapter..... HOLY--I can't get over this pic of our boy Wookie. Why is he so hot??? Someone tell me!!!

Also, someone tell me why he looks like V from BTS in this pic. Definitely not complaining...

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program...

The Dance from Ri Eul's Perspective:

"Real magic happens when you say the magic words... Annara.... sumanara." 

As the words leave my mouth, I study Y/N's face. The same look of mild skeptisism is plastered on her features. It's the look she always has whenever I talk to her about my magic. I knows she doesn't believe in real magic. She seems to think that all magic is just some combination of misdirection and tricks. And I can't blame her. That's the way most of the world thinks, after all. 

But I know the truth. Magic is REAL. And I am a REAL magician. The only reason that everyone else in the world thinks differently is because they stop believing as they get older. 

For years now, I've wanted to help my  best friend come to the realization that my magic is real. I desperately want to share my world with her, and allow her to feel the same freedom I feel. After all, she's my only true friend. The one who helped me regain some meaning in my life all those years ago. She'd stuck with me through everything, and now I can't imagine my life without her. 

So as my eyes bore into hers, I plead silently that she will say the magic words--that she'll believe--so I can show her what she was missing. 

Please, after all these years... trust me? I think, wishing she could read minds. Believe... just try to believe... and say the words.

As I watch, her expression seems to change slightly, and slowly her lips part. And in a voice softer than a whisper I hear her: "Annara... sumanara..."

For a moment, nothing happens and then I catch a glimpse of a familiar flicker of blue light. My butterflies begin to appear and flutter about the room. Y/N seems to notice them as well, and even appears almost entranced as she watches them. 

A feeling of triumph bubbles within my chest and I feel a wide smile spread across my face as I realize what's happening. She's believing! Even if it's just for a short time. After all these years I spent trying to convince her, she's finally opening her mind a little! It takes all of my willpower not to leap to my feet and hug her. Now I can show her what real magic looks like...

But I don't know how much time I have. I know her too well. Sooner or later, she's going to dismiss this all as a dream and the magic will fade... At that thought, I'm suddenly filled with determination. I have to show her a bit of my world while I still have time. 

I watch as she gets up and turns around the room that's now full of butterflies. The sight gives me a burst of joy and excitement that I've never experienced before. I force the huge grin off my face with some difficulty. For some reason, I don't want to show her how insanely happy this is making me. I manage a small smile instead. 

I stand up, and with a silent command, our clothes change in an instant. I'm suddenly in my best suit and top hat, and she's dressed in a blue gown that looks like someone took some of the stars and sewed them into the fabric. The dress hugs her upper body and flares out, accentuating her waist. Her hair is pulled back into a loose up-do and some of the stars from her dress even seem to have settled in her hair, casting flattering warm light onto her face. 

She could almost be one of my butterflies, I think with some amusement. She looks beautiful...

My eyes connect with Y/N's and to my surprise, my heart flutters a little in my chest. 

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