(Announcement) Scheduled Updates!!!

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Sorry I have so many announcements. I know that gets pretty annoying when you're just trying to read the flippin' book haha, so I'll make this brief. I've decided I will be updating this every *WEDNESDAY* and *SATURDAY*. If for some reason I'm not able to post on one of those days, I'll let you know. But for now, plan on getting some more action on those scheduled days. I've decided to do this because this fanfic is only a handful of chapters away from drawing to a close (I know, booooo, hisss), and the final chapters will be kinda suspenseful, so I don't wanna torture you all by making you wait an unknown period of time for the next update. 

ALSO, I originally didn't plan on writing any more past Chapter 5, but you were all so encouraging and seemed to enjoy it so much that I wrote more hahaha. So, I just wanna thank you all for reading my work, and encouraging me. It really means a lot. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! You all are the absolute best, and I love you so much.


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