His Call For Help

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A/N: Holy COW 5K READS. ARE YOU SERIOUS???? Thank you all so so much <3

Now, what you've all been waiting for.... another update!!

Enjoy! And don't forget to VOTE! 


Your feet feel heavy as they carry you down the street. You just got off work and you're making your way back home, then to the amusement park to see Min-hyuk. The street you're walking down is relatively deserted at the moment. The sun is setting, casting an orange glow on everything around you. 

As you continue walking, you realize that it's the same street where Min-hyuk made that drunk man disappear a few weeks back. As the memory comes back, you also recall what Ayi had said about her boss; how he had been pushed over the ledge, and hadn't really disappeared at all. You refuse to believe it. Min-hyuk had done it for real to the drunk man. There's no reason to believe he didn't do the same to Ayi's boss back then. The fact that he'd disappeared was probably too fantastical for him to accept, so he had to make up some lie to feed his brain.

The thought of that horrible man sends a wave of anger coursing through you. You wish he would just leave Min-hyuk alone. But you have a feeling that's not going to happen.

You're almost positive that he's behind the recent thefts. With Min-hyuk's hat and cloak it would be easy to frame him by simply dressing up and robbing people. There are already enough local rumors about 'the magician in the abandoned amusement park' that anyone would suspect him.

If only you could find that horrible man. You'd teach him never to mess with Min-hyuk again.

You suddenly hear laughter to your left and you look in that direction. Across the street, mostly obscured by the shadow of the building next to them, are three or four teenage boys. They form a tight huddle in the little alleyway, looking at something one of them is holding in the middle.

You're about to keep walking when you see one of the boys put on a black top-hat. You freeze instantly, and watch them closer.

As you look, the same boy dons a black magician's cloak as well, laughing with his friends as he does so. What in the world...? you think. You have a bad feeling about this. You look both ways before crossing the street, and they don't see you approaching, so they continue on with their conversation. As you get closer, you can just barely make out what they're saying. 

"Do it again, do it again," one boy says, his laughter echoing around the alley.

The boy with the top hat raises both his arms in a grandiose gesture, and while making his voice a little deeper, he says in a long, drawn out manner, "Do you... believe in magic?"

The other boys burst into fits of giggles, praising him for his perfect performance. 

"I bet you we could scare a few people into giving us their wallets with this," another boy chimes in, followed by the approving sounds of the other high-schoolers around him. Meanwhile, as you stand off to the side and out of sight, you can feel rage slowly coursing through you. With every second of their laughter, it grows until it's nearly overflowing. What do they think they're doing? Have they been the ones behind the recent thefts? Don't they realize who they're effecting by acting this way? All they're doing is pointing more fingers at Min-hyuk, giving people more reasons to suspect him. And what has Min-hyuk done to deserve any of that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. 

You've never felt so angry in your entire life, and before you know it, it's like you no longer have control of your body. Your legs carry you forward until one of the boys sees you. He nudges one of his friends and soon they all go quiet as you approach. The boy in the middle quickly takes off the costume and tries to hide it behind his back. You can see before he puts it away that it's just a cheap hat and cloak from the store. Not Min-hyuk's. But still...

The Sound of Magic (Ri Eul x Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن