"Are You Sure It Was A Dream?"

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A/N: Y'ALL!! At the time I'm publishing this, we're at 107 reads!! I really can't tell you how much that means to me! Thank you all so much for reading my work and encouraging me!!

Also, buckle down for this chapter. It's a lil' long. But good, I hope! Enjoy!!!!


"Y/N, wake up." You hear Min-hyuk's gentle voice and you slowly open your eyes. You're in the abandoned theater again. Instead of Min-hyuk's face in front of you, ready to kiss you, you see a candle and a few sketchbooks that he keeps on his desk. 

You sit bolt upright and spot the magician sitting across from you on the other side of the desk. He's looking at you with his usual mysterious smile, but you notice that for some reason it doesn't quite reach his eyes. 

You blink rapidly a few times as your mind conveniently replays what you were just dreaming about. You gasp and cover your mouth, the memories coming back in surprising detail. Good lord, that had been the most vivid dream you'd ever had. The dancing, the lights, Min-hyuk holding you--touching you... it had all felt so real. 

Your cheeks begin to heat up as you recall what was just about to happen before you woke up, and you feel your mouth drop open in mortification. Holy.... Why in the world did you dream that? You suddenly feel very conscious of his eyes on you, which makes your face heat up even more. You stand abruptly, causing Min-hyuk to raise his eyebrows slightly in surprise. Your hands fly to your cheeks, trying to cool them down, or at least hide how pink they are from your friend. 

He looks amused as he watches you, the smile playing at his lips widening a little. "Are you okay?" he asks with a ghost of a laugh. "You seem flustered."

You clear your throat, trying to compose yourself, but you suddenly find it very difficult to look him in the eyes. "What? Oh--no, I'm fine," you say quickly, looking anywhere but at him. 

"Mmm," he responds. You get the feeling he can see through your little lie. You most definitely are NOT fine. You just dreamed about dancing with and kissing your best friend, as if you were Cinderella or something-- anyone would be a little flustered after that. And the fact that he's picked up on how flustered you are is certainly not helping to calm you down. You can feel his eyes still trained on your face. Silence fills the room for a moment as you desperately search for something to say to appear more composed.

"Really! I'm alright. I was just startled when I woke up, I guess. I didn't remember where I was for a moment," you say, giving him what sounded like a good explanation. You quickly continue so he doesn't try to question it more. 

"I'm sorry. I must've fallen asleep earlier while we were talking. I didn't mean to," you say. You desperately need to do something to distract yourself.  After fiddling with the hem of your shirt for a moment, you start straightening some of the things on his desk. You begin to clean up the tea cups and snacks you'd both been using when you talked earlier. 

He doesn't say anything. And you can still feel his eyes on you. Goodness, you really love your friend, but he is definitely not making this easy. You hope he'll just drop it. When he still doesn't say anything, you decide to change the subject.

You clear your throat again--when had your mouth gone so dry? "I don't usually fall asleep in the middle of a conversation like that," you say with a laugh, trying to ease some of the tension you're feeling. "You sure you didn't put anything in my tea?" you joke.

As you say it, about a billion thoughts cross your mind at the same time. You KNOW Min-hyuk would never in a million years do something like that, but your brain seems to take the idea and run crazy with it for a few seconds. Maybe he HAD laced your tea with something. That might explain the extremely vivid fantasy you'd just had. It also might explain why you don't even remember drifting off to sleep. Did he really do something to your drink?...

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