His New Friends

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A/N: Just so you know, from here on out I'm gonna be changing the plot a little bit in some places. You might not notice right away, but  Just so you all are aware.

I'm trying to make Ri-eul's character a healthy mix of the kdrama version and the manhwa version. So there might be things in the coming chapters that aren't necessarily in the show. I'm also gonna straight up add my own plot points at times, so yeah.

Anyway, yall get the point. Imma stop talking and let you read the chapter! (Btw if any of you have the manhwa, lemme know in a comment! It's called
Annarasumanara and it's SO good!)


A few days have gone by since that man broke into the abandoned theater. After Min-hyuk told you a little more about him, you had made a mental note to punch the guy in the face if you ever saw him again. If what Min-hyuk said about him is true, he's a sick pervert who preys on innocent young girls.

You and Min-hyuk still don't know what he wanted with the hat and cloak he was trying to steal, but you're positive that it wouldn't have been for a good purpose.

Your thoughts are still churning as you reach the amusement park gates. You try and force yourself to think about other things. Even the thought of that disgusting man makes you sick.

You try, instead, to think about what Min-hyuk's new friends are like. He had said a few days ago that he wanted to introduce you to them. So here you are, about to join them in their magic lesson with Min-hyuk.

From how much Min-hyuk talks about them, you gather that he really likes them. When he had talked about teaching them magic, he looked so happy that you couldn't help but be happy for him too. It had been good to see him so enthusiastic about something. And what's more, you were ecstatic that other human beings besides you had managed to befriend him.

Needless to say, you're excited to meet them.

The sun sits high in the sky. You guess its around noon. As you creak open the amusement park gates and walk inside, you notice a girl with short dark hair. She looks like she's dressed in a school uniform and her back is to you. She appears to be studying the old red mailbox just outside the theater.

She seems so absorbed in what she's doing that she doesn't hear you approach.

"Hello," you say. She jumps and quickly whips around, her eyes landing immediately on you. You can now see her face clearly, and you're hit with a sudden moment of deja-vu. You're sure you've seen her before.  And what's even weirder is that you're pretty sure it was in a dream....

This must be Min-hyuk's friend. One of them, at least. You heard there's also a high school aged boy that comes around too.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," you say with a smile.

"No it's alright," she replies quickly waving her hands at you.

You glance at the red mailbox she had been looking at.

"Min-ah always tells me that mailbox is magic. Did he tell you that too?" You ask with a laugh. You never believed him when he said that... but now that you think about it.... since his magic is real, then wouldn't that mean he was telling the truth about the mailbox? You make a mental note to ask him about it later.

"Oh, uh, yeah." She mutters, looking mildly confused for a moment. You see her fidget with a piece of paper in her hand and you realize she had been about to put something in the mailbox. You wonder briefly who the message is for.

The Sound of Magic (Ri Eul x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now