A Fresh Start

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A/N: Hello everybody!!!! Here's the next update!! Enjoy! And get ready for some SPICE!


Run away with me?

Min-hyuk's pleading words from a week ago still echo in your mind. They haven't given you a moment's peace since he uttered them. And now every moment after, you wonder if you made the right decision.

Your initial answer had been 'no.' You still remember the confused and crestfallen look that had dawned on his features when you'd said it.

You shake your head, trying to dislodge the uncomfortable memory. You don't need Min-hyuk's disappointed face guilt tripping you for the hundredth time.

You're currently walking home from work. It's rather late-- probably somewhere close to midnight, and the only sound that can be heard on the dark street is the rhythmic echo of your footsteps. You wrap your jacket a little more tightly around yourself as a chilly night-time breeze whistles past you.

You're almost home, and you try to think about anything else besides Min-hyuk.... but you can't. More memories surface unbidden.

You remember what you told him when he had asked you why you wouldn't run away with him. Your heart had immediately said yes, but your head had taken control shortly after. The simple fact of the matter was that you couldn't run away with him, no matter how desperately you had wanted to at the time.

You remember explaining that it was one thing for Min-hyuk to completely disappear. After all, he didn't have a job, or a house, or anyone that would really notice he was gone-- except for the Na Ildeung, Ah-yi, and yourself of course. But for you, it was a different story. You had a job, and coworkers who would worry if you disappeared. Not to mention your land-lady. You're sure she would have a panic attack if you just vanished off the face of the earth. And the biggest thing besides all that: if you disappeared, the police would definitley be suspicious.

You're someone who is closely associated with Min-hyuk. And if the person they suspect of murderer were suddenly to disappear, and one of his close friends did the same shortly after, you're positive that would raise some eyebrows. They might suspect him of kidnapping you, or maybe even peg you as an accomplice. You just couldn't bring yourself to say yes after you'd thought it through. You couldn't bring Min-hyuk under any more suspicion than he already was.

So you had said 'no.'

As your feet carry you to the front of your house, you're left wondering for perhaps the millionth time if you made the right decision. You wonder where you would be right now if you had said 'yes.' You'd probably be somewhere far away with Min-hyuk... and you would be carefree and happy...

Your front gate creaks as you open it, and you step inside, closing it behind you. You then let your feet carry you to the front door where you type in the door pin. The lock makes a melodic chirping noise before you hear the deadbolt shift, allowing you to open the door.

You close the door behind you and let out a small sigh as you just stand in the lit entryway staring into the pitch black house absently. Your thoughts are still consumed with what might have been. After a moment, you take your shoes off, and slide into your house slippers. You walk towards the kitchen, dropping your purse unceremoniously against the wall on your way.

You flip on the kitchen lights, making your way to the cupboard above the sink. It's a habit of yours to get a glass of water whenever you come home, so you don't even realize what you're doing. Your mind is far far away, not even registering the fact that you just filled up the glass with water from the sink. You still have yet to drink it.

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