Magic Words and a Daring Rescue

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There he stands, gripping the man's forearm tightly. The sudden distraction had allowed you to escape the man's grasp, and you now stand a few feet off to the side, safe from his reach.

A wave of relief washes over you at the sight of your childhood friend. You've never been so glad to see someone in your entire life. He glances over at you briefly.

"Are you okay?" he asks simply, then directs his attention back to the man whose arm he's still gripping tightly. The man, surprised at first by Min-hyuk's sudden appearance, is now noticeably pissed off. A small painful grimace appears in his angry features as Min-hyuk's vice-like grip tightens, and he flails his arm a bit, trying to escape the unwelcome contact.

You nod quickly in answer to Min-hyuk's question, then realizing he can't see the movement you say, "Yeah, I'm okay."

"F*** off, would you?" The man growls through gritted teeth as he continues to struggle. Min-hyuk releases his arm with a forceful push. The man stumbles a little before standing upright again, glaring daggers at Min-hyuk.

"This your brother?" He sneers in your direction, massaging his arm gently.

"Her boyfriend, actually," Min-hyuk clarifies before you can say anything. Your heart skips a beat at his words. Your best friend's voice is a good deal lower than it normally is and his tone is menacing. You can tell there's a warning hidden in his words--an unspoken message to back off.

You've never seen your friend so angry before. You feel equal parts surprised and scared at what he might do to the poor man.

The man returns Min-hyuk's intimidating stare. The alcohol has obviously given him boldness that he wouldn't have if he were sober. He doesn't seem to catch on to Min-hyuk's subtle warning at all. Either that, or he just doesn't care. 

"Boyfriend, huh?" He scoffs, giving Min-hyuk a once-over as if trying to determine which of them would win in a fight. Min-hyuk is about the same height as him, but slightly more built. This doesn't seem to phase the man, however. 

His eyes suddenly flick back to you, his smirk returning as his eyes sweep over your body once again. He's practically undressing you in his head, and you feel your face turn a furious shade of red. You shoot him a glare, ready to run the short distance to Min-hyuk if he tries to come closer again. 

"Well, it doesn't matter," he continues. "I wasn't gonna do anything. We were just talking, weren't we, sweetheart?" he says with a wink. You don't respond, suddenly feeling sick at the gesture. 

Min-hyuk appears surprisingly composed as you glance at him. His hands are stuffed in his pockets and his body looks very relaxed. He almost fools you into thinking he's unphased by the man's words, but the expression on his face says what his body language doesn't: He's barely keeping himself in check. A small humorless smile plays at his lips, and there's a flame of intense anger flickering in his dark eyes as he watches the man. 

"You should take better care of your girlfriend," says the man, addressing Min-hyuk now, though still continuing to look at you. "You shouldn't let her wander by herself at night. You never know what kind of creeps you could run into around here. It's a good thing I was here, really. Who knows what could've happened."

You get the feeling the man is doing this now just to make Min-hyuk angry rather than because he finds you attractive. You glance over at Min-hyuk again. You really don't know what he'll do if this keeps going. You feel like this is a side of Min-hyuk that you just can't predict, and that makes you nervous. It's a strange sensation, seeing this new facet to your best friend's personality.

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