He's Not What He Seems

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A/N: HELLO!!!!! Sorry it's been a long time again. Also sorry this is a shorter chapter, but hopefully it's good.

I apologize for any grammatical errors. I typed this up on my phone hahaha


The cool breeze tugs lightly at your hair as you stand at the entrance of Ayi's school. You're leaning against the brick wall as kids file out and start walking home. Your eyes scan each face, hoping to see the girl.

Since interrogating Min-hyuk a few days ago, you've been anxious to exchange information with Ayi. You need to tell her that you're sure Min-hyuk wasn't involved in the kidnapping. And you also hope she'll have an update for you about the on-going investigation. 

You start thinking as you wait. Now that you think about it, it's kind of weird to you that you're relying solely on the help of a mere teenager. Something about it just doesn't sit right with you. But at the same time, she's one of the only other people that you know of who's also on Min-hyuk's side like you are. 

Your eyes catch a glimpse of short dark hair, and you finally see her. She's walking down the hill with her backpack slung over her shoulder, deep in conversation with a tall, good-looking boy with glasses. You hate to interrupt whatever it is they might be talking about, but you can't wait any longer. You start to walk towards them.

Ayi notices as you get closer and she abruptly stops talking to the boy beside her. 

"Y/N!" she says in surprise. 

"Hi, Ayi," you reply with a smile. "Sorry to interrupt, but I needed to talk to you."

"Same," she replies, and then glances around to make sure no one else is listening. Your eyes land on the boy next to her, and she seems to discern your mistrusting thoughts.

"This is Na Ildeung. He also takes lessons from the magician," she explains quickly.

So this is Ildeung? You nod knowingly and let Ayi continue with what she was saying.

"We were actually talking about the magician just now," Ayi tells you quietly.

"Tell me everything," you say.

"I know why he's a suspect in the case right now. A detective came to talk with me today at school, because I said I knew Ri-eul. And Y/N, things aren't exactly looking good," she says. "First he asked me if I was aware of the recent muggings."

"Muggings? What are you talking about?" You ask, confused. You're starting to feel uneasy about this.

"Recently there's been a man going around mugging people at night. All the victims have given a description and it's exactly like Ri-eul. They say he wore a black cloak and a top hat. And before he mugs them he asks, 'Do you believe in magic?'"

You listen quietly, trying to process this new information.

"I didn't know what to think when the detective told me about that," Ayi continues. "It doesn't seem like something he would do--"

"I'm positive he didn't do it," Ildeung speaks up for the first time. His voice is deep for a high schooler, and his face turns serious as he continues. "I was with him last night at the time one of the muggings happened. I know it wasn't him. He wouldn't do something like that. That's what I told the detective and that other man too."

You hardly know this teenage boy, but your heart goes out in gratitude toward him nonetheless. At least someone else believed Min-hyuk didn't do anything. Then something in what Ildeung just said catches your attention.

"Other man?" You echo in a questioning tone.

Ildeung and Ayi share a look before continuing.

"My old boss." Ayi explains with some hesitation. "A while ago, the magician made him disappear. But now he's back. I'm not sure where he was or how he got back, but he was there. He came for the investigation today, and what's more... he gave a testimony against Ri-eul."

You have a sinking feeling of dread, and for some reason you feel like you know exactly who she's talking about.

"Is he sort of heavy-set? Beady eyes?" You ask, almost afraid to know the answer.

Ayi blinks once in surprise. "Yes... how did you know?"

Just as you suspected. It was the man who stole Min-hyuk's things a few nights ago. Things are starting to make sense now. He must've stolen Min-hyuk's clothes to frame him for the recent muggings, and maybe even pin the kidnapping on him in the process. He must really have a grudge against Min-hyuk to be able to do something like that.

"Nevermind that. What did he say against Min-- I mean, Ri-eul?"

"Well..." Ayi starts. She looks unsure of herself as she continues. "That night that Ri-eul made him disappear... he said it wasn't magic at all-- that Ri-eul just pushed him over the ledge. He's claiming that it was attempted murder."

You feel your eyes widen slightly. So there's more to his plan. He's making Min-hyuk seem unstable, therefore making the detectives on the case suspect him more. You have to admit, this man is clever.

"I honestly don't know what to believe anymore," you hear Ayi say quietly, almost to herself. "I don't trust my boss. He could be making everything up about being pushed over the ledge. But... the same could be said for the magician."

You're almost tempted to believe the same thing--that Min-hyuk really had simply pushed him over the ledge to make it seem like he disappeared... except... you had witnessed his disappearing act for yourself.

When Min-hyuk made that drunk man disappear not too long ago, there wasn't a ledge or anything remotely similar nearby. He had simply waved his cloak over the man and he had vanished into thin air. In the middle of the road!

"He's not making anything up," you say firmly, your voice coming out louder than you planned."He's a real magician. He does real magic. Your boss is lying."

The words coming out of your mouth sound childish, even to you. You're sure you sound crazy to the two highschoolers in front of you, but with everything that's happened to you over the last few weeks, it's impossible for you NOT to be believe in magic. Ayi looks at you with slight skeptisism, while Ildeung just gives you a small hopeful smile.

"And I'm positive he didn't have anything to do with the kidnapping or the mugging incidents. He told me himself that he wasn't involved."

"Listen," Ayi says slowly. "I don't want to believe that he's capable of doing those things either. He's one of my friends, and I want to believe the best of him... but has it ever occurred to you that he could be lying to you about everything? That he might not be who he says he is?"

You feel a little twinge of doubt beginning to form in your mind, but you quickly chase it away. Of all the people in this world, you're sure that you're the person who knows Min-hyuk best. He would never do those things. Besides, it's obvious to you now who's behind all this. That man, Ayi's boss. He's behind it all.

You're about to open your mouth to say as much when Ayi interrupts you with a small sigh.

"We have to go," she says, "but we'll keep in touch, okay? We don't want anything bad to happen to that ajussi either."

With that, the two of them walk away, leaving you with much to think about. If anything, you've come away from the conversation with one thing for certain: Ayi's boss is behind everything. If only you could prove it. As things currently stand, all the facts point to Min-hyuk as the culprit.

How can I possibly convince the police that he's innocent?, you think. You definitely have a difficult task ahead of you, and it's all you can think about as your feet carry you slowly back home.


A/N: hope yall enjoyed it!! I promise I'll be back with more soon!!

Don't forget to VOTE!! Also, happy holidays!!!!!

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