Part 12

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*benny's pov*

I guess yeah yeah still hasn't forgiven y/n. I'm not sure if I should feel bad for her or not.

"So you're still mad at y/n" I say to yeah yeah

"Yeah yeah it was her fault." He responds

"I bet she put all the blame on me." I say.

"She didn't actually." He says "She said it was all her fault. And that I shouldn't be mad at you"

I look at him in disbelief. "She said that?"

"Yeah yeah!"

Now I start feeling bad for her. She took the blame. Should I go and thank her? No I can't. I just fixed things with yeah yeah.

"So benny, who are you taking to the back to school dance?" Asks Kenny. I totally forgot about that.

"Are you gonna take Britney?!" Ham asks.

"Maybe, I don't know." I say. I actually have no idea. I might not go.

Yeah yeahs mom calls us all for dinner. We sit down and start eating. I notice y/n hasn't come down.

"Is y/n not coming down for dinner?" I ask

"She doesn't eat dinner" yeah yeah says unbothered.

"Why not?" I ask.

"I don't know,she's never hungry I guess." He says "sometimes she comes down to eat an apple or half a sandwich"

I was worried about y/n. She never eats at school and from what yeah yeah has said, she barley eats at home. She needs to take care of herself. It's sad that she has nobody to help her.

*y/n's pov*

I go to sleep earlier than usual so I don't have to think about the situation with benny or yeah yeah. The next day is boring as usual. I barely leave my room. Yeah yeah and the other boys play at the sandlot all day. Before I know it, it's already evening again. I have school tomorrow which is unfortunate. My mom keeps telling me to make friends but I don't really feel like it.

*monday morning*

I wake up and check the time. 7:30. I slowly make my way out of bed. I put on joggers and a t-shirt. I see benny on my way to school but I ignore him. I had lots of lessons with Benny but we sat quite far apart. He sat next to Britney, They were getting quite close. I'm not sure if it annoyed me or not but I know I definitely didn't like the idea of them two being together.

At lunch I sit on my own at a table, as usual. Benny and Britney sit on the table opposite mine. I can hear their whole conversation, not because I'm eavesdropping, but because Britney stupid voice is so loud. I don't pay too much attention until I hear her say 'back to school dance'. I forgot all about it, last time I thought about it was when I decided to go with Benny.

"Are you going with anyone?" Britney asks. Benny looks over at me. Our eyes meet for a few seconds. He looks away.

"No. I don't think I'm gonna go." He responds.

"What! You have to go!" She implies "me and you should go together."

He looks over at me once again, but this time with guilt. If I'm being totally honest, I wish me and him were still going together but that obviously isn't going to happen.

"I don't know Britney" he says.

"Cmon it'll be fun!" She pleads "pleasee"

"Alright I'll go with you" he says in defeat. I stand up and walk out of the cafeteria, it doesn't make a massive scene because benny is the only person who notices. I don't want to be all dramatic about it but I don't really want to see them together.

*benny's pov*

Y/n stands up and leaves. I think about following her but I don't think she'd want me to. I don't know if I really want to go with Britney, I'd much rather go with y/n. I figured that if I go with Britney then maybe I'll get over y/n. I know that using Britney to get over y/n makes me a bad person but I need to get over y/n if I want to keep my friendship with yeah-yeah.

Britney noticed y/n suddenly leaving.

"What happened to her. She looks like shit." Britney says.

"Shut up Britney" I snap

"Okay okay sorry" she says sarcastically.

I spend the rest of the lunch with Britney but all I think think about is y/n. Why would she walk off if she didn't like me anymore? Does she still like me? Do I still like her? These questions kept coming to mind. Maybe I should just ask her. I do need to talk to her at some point because I don't want to avoid her forever. I figured that the only way to sort things out with me and her is if yeah yeah forgives her. After a while of considering, I decide that after school I'll talk to yeah-yeah about y/n.

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