Part 23

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We turn the corner and see y/n. With Philips. Wearing his jacket.

"I guess she still isn't over him" says Hayley.

"Guess not" I say before turning around, deciding to walk the longer route to the sandlot. The others follow, all of them saying stuff to me but I block it out and say nothing.

We eventually get to the sandlot and I make my way over to the dugout. I throw my stuff on the floor and sit down. Everyone surrounds me, not saying anything.

"Why would she choose to be with me if she still likes him?" I say.

"Maybe she got with you to get over him." Says Hayley.

"It wouldn't be the first time" I mutter.

Hayley takes a seat next to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "It's going to be okay Benny." She says

We all hear the noises of bikes approach us. Everyone looks over. Philips and his team, with y/n riding on the back.

"You've got to be kidding me" I say.

"I can't believe she actually has the audacity to come here with him" says Hayley.

Hayley sticking up for me is really sweet of her, I'm not too sure why I ever hated her.

*y/n's pov*

I'm riding on the back of Philips bike to the sandlot. Philips said him and his team were going to their field and since it's on the way they could drop me off, it didn't seem like a big deal so I agreed.

I'm starting to think that wasn't such a good idea, because when we get to the sandlot they're all here. It's not like I did something bad, I got a ride from Philips and that's it. They are all looking at me as if I've just killed 20 people. When I see Benny's face my body tenses; he looks so mad.

Philips stops a few feet away from them. I get off and stand there, unsure what to do. I'm thinking about what to say but Benny beats me to it.

"Well it's clear you're still not over him." He says.

"Benny what are you talking about, I got over him ages ago. I'm with you now" I say.

"You're going around town with him, he's taking you places on his stupid bike, you're wearing his jacket. What's next, leaving the sandlot to play for the tigers?" He says slightly raising his voice.

"Benny, Philips means nothing to me. It's honestly not at all what you think."

"I don't want to hear it y/n, be with him I don't care." He says "We're done, for real this time."

"That's not cool, man" says Philips.

"Shut up!" Me and Benny say in unison.

"Whatever I'm leaving." Benny says pushing past Philips' friends.

"Benny don't be like that." I say following him. "Benny!"

"What?!" He turns around to look at me, slightly raising his voice. "If you really want to say something then just say it!"

"Listen Benny, I only care about you. Philips means nothing to me"

"Yet you're still wearing his jacket." Benny points out.

I take the jacket off and throw it on the floor. "You happy now?"

"That doesn't fix anything y/n!" He snapped.

"I'm sorry benny but you've gotta hear me out" I say.

"No y/n. Just stay away from me." He walks away. I stand there and watch him leave.

I don't turn around but I can hear the others approaching me.

"You good, y/n?" Asks Philips.

"Please just leave." I mutter.

"Fine whatever" he says biking off, his friends following closely behind.

"That was kinda shitty of you y/n." Says Hayley. "He's been nothing but good to you"

"If you think he's so amazing then you go and date him." I snap.

She smirks. This bitch.

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