Part 28

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*Y/n's pov*

I get off Phillips bike. "Thanks for taking me home, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Uh y/n."

"Yeah." I smile at him.

"I know that we aren't dating for real but um I really like you and I don't wanna pretend to date, i want it to be real." He says.

I'm getting deja vu right now but I ignore it.

"Sorry I shouldn't have said anything." He says. I cut him off by kissing him.

He gives me a shocked look. "Wait does that mean you feel the same?"

"Yeah, i does" I grin at him "I'll see you tomorrow."

I walk over to my house and go inside

"Y/n can you get ready into something nicer than a baseball jersey please" my mom says.

"Why?" I ask.

"I'll tell you once you're ready." she says going into the other room.

I go to my room and put on a pair of baggy jeans and a simple top. After what feels like forever, I finally manage to get my converse shoes on. I rush downstairs and find my mom. She's by the front door with yeah-yeah.

"Where are we going?" I ask desperate to know.

"The Rodriguez family have invited us round for dinner."

"no" I say instantly " i'm not going."

"Yes you are, now cmon." she demands.

"Dad doesn't have to go" I point out.

"that's because he's at work." she says "we are leaving. Now!"

I follow slowly behind as we walk next door.

Catalina opens the door. A big grin appears on her face. She gives my mom a kiss on the cheek welcoming her in. My mom and Benny's mom have been best friends for what feels like forever.

"Alan, it's lovely to see you. Benny's upstairs in his room." She says to yeah-yeah.

"Y/n! Mi querida!" She gives me a hug. "Good to see you again."

"You too, Catalina." I smile.

"Are things with you and Benny sorted yet?" She whispers.

"Nope. He's still mad at me." I reply.

"I'll get him to talk to you." She decides.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." I admit.

"Disparates. You two need to talk." She says.

"yeah okay, but I doubt he'll talk to me." I say.

"He will, trust me." She says before making her way into the kitchen.

I take a deep breath before sitting down to take off my converses which will take forever. I don't even know why I decided to wear them.

I go to the living room and put on the tv. A few minutes later Benny walks in.

"Uhh, dinners ready." He says awkwardly.

"Okay." I say getting up and following him into the Kitchen.

Everyone is already seated. There's only two spaces left at the table which happen to be next to each other. I look straight over at Catalina, she subtly winks at me. I take my seat next to Benny and quietly eat my dinner.

"So how was Baseball today?" Asks mom.

"Why don't you ask y/n?" mutters yeah-yeah. They all look over at me.

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