Part 18

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"What do you think? I ask.

The boys all stare in awe. They are all sitting on the couch looking at me in my dress for the dance.

"I wish I was taking you to the dance" mutters squints.

"Shut up man, that's my sister." Says yeah-yeah.

"What?! I'm just saying" squints says defensively.

"When is Philips getting here anyway?" Asks ham

"Anytime now" I say, checking my hair in the mirror.

The boys carry on chatting and eating whatever they've found in the house. I take a seat next to yeah-yeah and Kenny while I wait for Philips.

"You gonna talk to benny tonight?" Yeah-yeah asks.

"Yeah, hopefully" I sigh.

A few minutes pass and we hear a knock on the door. I get up and open the door. It's Philips.

"You look pretty" he says smirking, looking me up and down.

"Thank you" I say, smiling back.

*benny's pov*

I hear a knock on my door. I get up from the sofa and open the door. Britney. I grab my jacket and close the door.

"Aren't you gonna say something?" She asks. I look at her confused. "About how I look."

"Ohh, you look nice." I say. She smile as wraps her hands around my arm.

We get to the dance and it's pretty full already. It looks pretty boring. I go over to one of the tables and sit down. Britney stands in front of me.

"What are doing?!" She asks "come dance with me"

I don't even want to be here, there's no way I'm going to dance. "No way."

"Why not?" She asks agitated.

"I don't like dancing also the music is terrible."

"Fine, I'll go find someone else to dance with." She says slightly upset before walking off. I sit there for a little longer before I start to feel a bit bad. I get up and start looking for her. I'm pushing through the crowd, accidentally pushing someone over. I look down and see y/n. I reach my hand out and help her up.

"Sorry y/n." I say.

"Don't worry about it." She says smiling. "Where's Britney?"

"I'm looking for her now" I say "where's Philips?"

"I'm looking for him now" she says  "if you help me look for him, I'll help you look for Britney"

I nod and we start walking through the crowd. We get to the end of the room and still can't see them.

"Let's go look by the toilets or something" she says. I agree and we make our way into the halls. Other then a few people walking past, the halls are pretty empty. We walk to the end of the hall and turn the corner. It's empty other then a couple making out and at end of the hall.

"Can't they go somewhere more private ugh." Y/n mutters. A few seconds later she stops.

I also stop and look at her. "What's wrong?"

"Holy shit" she says looking straight ahead of her. I look in the direction she's looking in. She's looking at the two people making out. I'm confused at first but then I realise.

"Holy shit" I say loud enough for them to stop making out and look at us.

Britney looks at me shocked. I scoff.

"Benny it's not what it looks like." She says which makes me laugh a little.

"I'm not stupid Britney." I say.

"Please benny, it's really not what you think." She pleads.

"So it's not you making out with Philips?" Says y/n who's also slightly laughing.

"Ugh you bitch" says Britney, frowning at y/n.

Y/n just smiles. "You can have him, because I definitely don't want him"

She turns around and makes her way back to where the dance is. I glare at Britney one more time before following y/n. We get back to the dance and find an empty table and sit by it. We don't say anything for a while but the silence isn't an awkward silence, it's more of a comfortable silence. I can tell y/n feels the same way I do about this situation, not upset just a bit disappointed.

Y/n is zoned out watching everyone dance and sing to the music. She's so beautiful. She glances over at me, catching me staring. I want to turn away so she doesn't think I was staring but instead I just smile at her, and she does the same. But her smile drops when she notices something behind me. I turn around and see Hayley.

"Benny, can I talk to you for a second?" She asks. I look over at y/n, she simply nods.

"Uh sure." I say, standing up and following her. She doesn't go far, but far enough that y/n probably can't hear.

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