Part 36

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*Y/n's pov*

As i walk down the hall i can't stop thinking about Benny. Ever since we kissed I can't get him off my mind, I mean even before he kissed me I was always thinking about him but i was in denial about all my feelings. Now i know that we aren't just friends, we are..fuck, what even are we?

Somebody takes my hands and starts walking over to a storage room, Benny. I'm glad it's him and not some random person. He quickly opens the door and quickly pulls me in shutting the door behind me.

This storage room isn't very big. It has shelves on the walls filled with random textbooks and some sports equipment. It's a narrow room meaning me and Benny are stood very close to each other. I drop my bag onto the floor and nudge it out of the way.

I gaze into his eyes and wait for him to speak first. But he doesn't. Instead he leans forwards pressing his lips onto mine. I kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He slides his hands down my body until he reaches my waist. He holds them, bringing me closer to him. I feel butterflies in my stomach but im not too sure why. I've done a lot more with this boy then just kiss him. I have a feeling butterflies are always be in my stomach while i'm around Benny, he makes me feels so happy and safe. It could just be because he is such a good kisser.

I pull away but only slightly, keeping our faces close. "Benny.." I whisper.

He kisses me again before answering "yeah."

"What are we?" I ask. I know that right now isn't exactly the best time to ask but I need to know.

"Whatever you want us to be." He says kissing me again.

I pull away again. "Seriously benny, what are we?"

"I don't know y/n but that's something we can work out when everything else gets fixed." He reassures me.

I smile at him, lightly nodding, before pushing my lips on his.

I would stay here all day with him if I could but I cant. The bell will probably go any second now.

A few seconds pass and a loud noise comes out of nowhere, making me jump. But it's not the bell. I look over at the bright light that has just appeared. The door is open with Hayley stood with her jaw practically on the floor.

"Oh.My.God." She looks at us in utter shock.

"Hayley! Please don't say anything. To anyone." I plead.

"Hmm we'll see." she smirks.

The bell rings giving me a chance to get out of this situation. I grab my bag and rush into the hallway.


I haven't seen Benny since what happened earlier. I'm not embarrassed that we got caught or whatever but i'm just a little scared considering it was Hayley who caught us. God knows who she'll tell.

I stare at the ceiling in my bedroom as I lie on my bed. Maybe I'll just have a nap to take my mind off what happened. I close my eyes but open them straight after because of the loud banging noise on my window. I can already tell it's benny by the way he's knocking. I sigh before jumping out of bed and open the curtains.

I'm correct, it's benny. He gives me a pleasing look for me to open the window. Every time he does this, the more i want to just leave him there. It'd be funny. Well for me, probably not for him. I open the window and move aside to let him in.

"Have you been avoiding me?" He asks as he sits down on my bed.

"No, why do you think that?" I ask even though I know why he thinks that.

"You haven't spoken to me know, earlier." He says.

I sigh and sit down next to him. "I haven't been ignoring you. I just.. I don't know what to do about Hayley."

"Well whatever happens, we'll have each other so it's okay." He tells me, putting his hand over mine.

"It's not okay though. I've just fixed things with yeah-yeah and him finding out could ruin things..again. You're close to sorting things out with everyone at the sandlot and the last thing you want is something coming in between that."

"What are you saying, y/n?" He looks at me, worried. I'm not ending whatever we are so I don't want him to think that,

"Don't worry, I just really can't have Hayley saying anything to anyone." I tell him.

"Ill talk to her and see what I can do to make sure she doesn't say anything." He give me a soft kiss.

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