Part 32

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Im surprised that Benny wasn't at the sandlot but it's good because I can go hang out with him and I don't have to be around Hayley any longer. I have no clue where Benny could be. Its quite hot outside so I doubt he's gone home; he'll be outside somewhere. Or he could be in the treehouse. Im pretty much 30 seconds away from it so there's no reason for me not to check.

I rush over to the treehouse and scramble up to the top. He's not here. ugh. Where else could he be? I could check the pool.

I jump down from the treehouse and I make my way to the pool. It's unlikely that he'll be there but I may as well check. It takes me only 5 minutes to get there and when I do it's pretty busy. Wendy is lifeguarding which means I mustn't stay for long, unless I want to get kicked out for doing literally nothing wrong. I look through the fence to check for him but he's nowhere to be seen.

I make my way home, passing Vincents drugstore. If he's at home then I swear to god i'll kill him because then it means I would've been walking around town for ages all for nothing. I'm interrupted mid thought when I hear voices behind Vincents drugstore. Curiosity gets the best of me and I make my way down the path leading to the road behind the shop.

I see boys from Phillips team talking to someone. I walk forward to see who the person is. To my surprise, I see Benny sat on a wooden crate, reading some random baseball comic. He's ignoring all the boys that are trying to talk to him which I think may be pissing them off.

"What are you guys doing?" I ask, causing them all to whip their heads around in my direction. Benny smiles looking happy to see me, unlike the other boys who are staring at me blankly.

"Nothing. Mind your own business." mutters Kyle.

"Chill, no need to be rude." I say.

"You're not dating Phillips anymore so it doesn't matter if we're rude or not." Chris points out which makes Benny raise his eyebrows and look at me in shock.

"yeah whatever just go away." I say.

"Well we were leaving anyway." they exclaim.

"I'm sure you were." I sarcastically smile.

They mutter to themselves as they bike off.

"You broke up with him?" Benny asks as soon as they are out of sight.

"Of course I did, he can go be with Britney now I don't care" I say.

"you okay? I mean you did date for quite a while." he asks.

"yeah I've never been better." I smile at him. "What were they talking to you about?"

"Just some stuff about me joining their team. I dont know, I wasn't listening." He explains.

"Ooo Benny Rodriguez as a tiger. You'd look fabulous in the tigers uniform, don't you think?" I smile at him sarcastically.

"I'd rather die." He says pretending to gag, making me laugh.

He stands up and walks over to me. "What do you wanna do?"

"hmm you know what I really feel like some food right now." I tell him.

"Alright, let's go to the diner." He says leading the way.

"How's Cataliná?" I ask

"There's so much for us to tell each other from the last six months yet the first thing you ask me is how is my mom?"

"I do love your mom." I point out.

"Yeah I know." He smiles.

"Seriously though, how is she getting on after you know..?" I ask.

"Yeah she's doing great, she's stopped complaining about dad which is good." He says. Benny's dad was never really the best person. He would always leave for ages then show up every so often. That started happening when Benny was around 5 meaning his mom brought him up which is probably why he's so kinda and respectful. I heard from my mom that apparently he showed up again a few months ago. He didn't stay for long but it was really hard for both of them but especially his mom. Whenever she'd come round to see my mom, I'd always hear her complaining about it.

"That's good." I say softly "Are you okay about it all?"

"Yeah i'm used to it by now. I've just learnt to stop letting it bother me." He explains. "Anyways moving on from that. How was playing with the tigers?" He says cringing when saying 'tigers'.

"Don't look so disgusted, they aren't that bad. They are all way more annoying than all of you sandlot boys but still play good." I say.

"Not better than me though." he states.

"Just because you're the next babe ruth doesn't mean you need to show off about it." I point out making him laugh.

"Is Hayley still playing with you guys?" I ask.

"Unfortunately. But because she's still playing, I'm no longer playing at the sandlot so it means we can hang out now." he explains.

"Wait so you're not playing at the sandlot just because Hayley is? surely the others want her gone too." I ask.

"Nope. They were very keen on her staying on the team and weren't too bothered about me leaving."

"No way." I look at him in disbelief. "You're literally the best on the team, why would they choose her over you?"

"I don't know." He sighs.

"Their loss." I state.

"Yeah." He smiles "Their loss."

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