Chapter 16. "Happy Birthday"

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"Are you dating, Sam?" her father asked her the moment she stepped in. "Yes, where is Mom?" she asked, closing the door behind her, not understanding her sudden burst of confidence, but he had to know it. "She is on a call,  he is a good guy," he turned around. A smile spread across her face, "So you don't think it is a blunder dating him?" she asked, sitting next to him. "Why, do you think dating him is a blunder?" he asked.

"No," Emily said with a confidence that surprised her. "That settles it then, don't do anything, you doubt kiddo," he said, standing up, "it's late, go to bed." "Is Edward home?" she asked, "in his room," he said. "Good night, Dad," she walked up the stairs. "Good night, Emmy."

She knocked on Edward's door, "come in," he answered. She opened the door to find him sprawled on the floor. "I was certainly not expecting this," she said. Edward barely looked her way, "it's relaxing. Join in and close the door on your way," he said. She lay next to him. "Spread your arms to your side," he said, pushing her arm.

"There is not enough space, shift," she poked his rib. "Don't be violent. How are we even bloody related?" he shifted. "Close your eyes, or stare up at the fan," he said. Emily stared up at the circling fan, "I feel like I am having an existential crisis," she said. "I am definitely having one," he said. "She turned to him, he was staring up, "what got you sprawled like this," she asked.

He got up and leaned against his bed, "I have to tell you something, and if you utter a word to anyone, I mean anyone about it, I will kill you in your sleep. I am serious, " he said.  Emily nodded or attempted, "Speak." she closed her eyes.

"Wait, so no one knows?" she asked, opening them. "No," he said. "That made me feel special," she said . "Don't flatter yourself," he said. "Alright, speak Edward Hale," she said closing them. "How do you know if you have a chance with someone?" he asked. She opened her eyes. "Someone particular?" she asked. "Maybe," he shrugged.

She got up and pulled her phone out, "what are you doing?" he asked. She sat next to him. "shhhhh, let me work," she said, typing on her phone. "Are you seriously searching for signs someone likes you?" he asked with a bored expression. "Hey, I need an expert opinion," she said. "I thought you were an expert?" he said. "My love life isn't like it seems. It's confusing," she said, she wanted to tell him. "Here," she handed him the phone.

He scrolled through the signs, "I don't think it is right," he said. "Why, google is always right," she said. He still scrolled through various articles, "Do they match?" she took her phone away. "Yes, some," he said. "There it is," she said. "But, it could be how friends behave, right?" Edward asked.

Emily smiled. It was Rowan he was talking about. She knew it the moment  he said. "Friends who have feelings for each other," she said, laying on the floor once again. Edward lay next to her. "One of your friends?" she asked. Edward faced her, "Do you really want to play dumb right now," he asked. "Admit it," she said. "I think I might like Rowan a bit," he said.

"Just a bit?" she asked. "Alright, maybe more than a bit, but he has been my best friend as long as I can remember. It can ruin everything?" he said. "I didn't know I was into boys, but..."You are now," she said

"Ed, it won't be weird. Everyone has seen you two flirt," she said. "I flirt with nearly everyone. It's not special, and the worst part is he is used to it. He won't find anything suspicious, " he said. "Still nearly everyone knows you two would be perfect, and it wouldn't be even Slightly surprising if you two end up dating," she said.

"What do you mean by everyone? It is that obvious. Do you think he knows?" he asked. "He seems to be the only one who doesn't, don't worry, he is more oblivious than you, at least you realized," she said, closing her eyes once again. "Don't stress too much," she said. "Very helpful," he said, closing his eyes.

Their door slowly opened, and their mother saw both her kids sprawled on the floor with their eyes closed. She slowly closed the door back. "I have no idea what they are doing," they heard their mother say. They shared a look as their father opened the door. They closed their eyes once again. "At least they aren't tearing each other's hair off," he said. "Maybe they are finally getting along," she said, hopeful. "Took the sixteen years," he said, his voice becoming fainter until it was no longer there.

"What should I do next?" Edward asked. "You are scared of ruining the friendship, so give it a bit of time, see if he likes you, and then make a move if you are sure enough," she said. Edward seemed to think about it, "I don't think I ever saw you care that much about someone you were crushing on," she said.

"That's the problem. He isn't just anybody he is Rowan. He is...I thought I didn't feel anything for him, I thought it was just friendship, but today when he drove me home, I felt something, " he said.

"A spark?" she said. Edward looked at her, "Maybe it felt different. I don't know how to describe it, " he said. "You really like him, don't you?" she asked. "I don't know." he turned the other side. "Feelings are difficult," she looked up. It was nearly twelve, and she stood up. "I am realizing it," he said.

"Welcome to the seventh circle of hell," she said, closing the door.

Emily: Happy birthday, Sam

She sent the text at exactly midnight.

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