Chapter 22. "Emergency "

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"Where is the party exactly?" Emily asked as Edward seemed to now drive through a forest. The car bumped into yet another stone. "I have no idea," Ed said, looking at the road. "Are you kidding me?" she asked. "I have some idea. Wait, actually not much," he took a turn, "Call James for the directions he reached, " he said, bumping into a stone. "Go slow, Edward," she said, holding the door. Her life seemed to be in line. "Don't screech," he said.

"Hello?" James picked up on the fourth ring. "Where in the world is his stupid lakehouse, we have been driving for nearly an hour," Edward said. "Where are you two exactly?" James asked. "In a forest," Emily said. "That was not the exact location," Edward said. "You are more lost than I am," Emily said. "Guys, let's not, Ed, keep driving without turns, I am going outside. Stay on the phone," James said.

"I see something," Emily said. "Where?" Edward asked. "There, right in front of you," Emily pointed. "That's James," Edward said as the massive lakehouse soon came into view. "He is rich," Edward said as James got in. "That is a mansion, not a bloody house," Emily said.  "Gwyneth didn't come?" he asked. "She will. She has violin classes now," Emily said. "Rowan told us to show up early," Edward said.

"Is he inside?" Emily asked, getting down. She hoped her dress didn't get wrinkled. "No, he will show up after seven," Rowan said, walking in his white shirt and khaki pants. "You look amazing," he said. "Thank you, Rowan," she said. "Why did you call us this early?" Edward asked. "He thought, the preparations might lack," James said, looking around. His father decorated the house with golden balloons, and behind them were four tables filled with multiple cuisines.

Emily tapped her feet to the soft piano played by a woman at one corner. "He won't like it," Edward said, turning his head. "It's too much for his taste," James said. "That is exactly what I am afraid of," Rowan said. "How much time do we have?" Emily asked. "Why? Are you planning  on redecorating?" Edward asked.

"Not exactly," she said with a smile. "James, could you grab some snacks, the one he likes?" she said. "Sure," James answered. Emily looked at each of the boys' confused look, "I have a plan, I promise," she said. "Rowan, could you get some blankets and a few cushions?" she said, turning to Ed, "our tree house is empty, right?" she asked.

"You aren't," Edward said with a smile, "I am," Emily answered. "What is going on?" James asked. "Emily wants to celebrate his birthday in our tree house," Edward said. "That is a good idea," Rowan said. "He would definitely like it more than this," James said, looking around. "What about this party? His father would be mad if he isn't here," Rowan said.

"We will manage something, but first, I need to decorate and make sure everything is perfect," Emily said. "I'll drive you, I am much better with directions," Rowan said, looking  at Edward. He rolled his eyes. "Ed, get the blankets and a cake too, will you?" James said. "Let's go. It's nearly six. We just have an hour," Emily said, making her way towards the door. "Wait, what if he shows up?" James asked.

"He won't," Emily opened the wooden door bumping into someone. Sam held her hand, "Be careful," he said, helping her up. "I am fine, you are here?" she asked.
"I am not supposed to be here?" he asked. "What she meant was you are early," Edward said, saving her. "I didn't feel like staying in," he said, walking in. "What has he done?" Sam asked, looking around the house. "Happy birthday," Rowan said. "Why is he trying so hard?" Sam asked. He turned suddenly, becoming aware of her standing. "Were you going somewhere?" he asked.

Emily looked back at the boys. Rowan shook his head in a no while Edward and James looked at each other. "Emily?" he asked, "Are you okay?" he turned back to his friends, who immediately became focused on the food. "Yeah, I am fine, just needed to get some things," Emily akwardly laughed.

"I can drive you, I need to get away from here," Sam said. "No, it's fine, Rowan can. It would be bad to make you drive me around on your birthday," she said. "It's not a problem," Sam said. She looked at the boys for help. James was the first one to speak, "You can drive Emily while me and Edward can handle the things there," he said. "Here, he meant here," Rowan corrected. "What is wrong with you all?" Sam said. "Just go," Edward said, closing his eyes.

"Is everything okay with them?" Sam asked, turning the wheel. Emily smiled, "I hope so," she said. "Where was it that you wanted to go?" He asked. She didn't have an answer. "I was hungry, Rowan was taking me out for some food," she said. "Really? There was food on the tables, " he said. "I know, I craved for fries," she said. "Then let's have fries," he said, making their way to the cafe.

"How was the lunch with your father?" Emily asked. "Not the best, but still, she seems fine," he said, looking out of the window. "That's great. You seem distracted," she said. "Sorry, I am a bit," he said. "You can talk to me if you want. Talking helps," she said when Gwyn texted her.


"Excuse me, a bit," she said, walking towards the bathroom.

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