Chapter 27."She likes you"

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It was around six when they reached. Emily waved at Edward and signaled him to go away, but Edward being who he was stayed. She let out a breath and knocked twice on the door, clutching onto his leather jacket.

The door opened to reveal Sam holding a bowl of batter with flour on his cheek. "Hi," she said, looking at his blue apron and messy hair. "Hi," he said to her, stepping out and waving at Edward. Edward waved back and drove off. "Sam, who is there?" came a female voice from the other end of the hall.

Emily looked at Sam and back at the door, "here, you left this at the tree house," she gave him the jacket she was still wearing. Sam had a smile on his lips, "Keep it, it looks way better on you than it did on me. Come inside," Sam said, opening the door wider.

Emily stepped into his house for the first time and was immediately met with the sweet smell of baked goods. "You are baking?" she asked, following them through various family pictures. "Yes," he said. "Sam," the voice called again. "Come on," he said, leading her to their living room.

"Hello," a woman looked at her and stood up. His mother, she remembered, she hadn't seen her recently. "Emily, Emily Hale," she said. The woman's face lit up with recognition. "Emily, you have grown beautiful, child," she said, hugging her. Emily hugged back, looking at Sam. "When Sam told me you were beautiful, I didn't expect this," she said, tucking Emily's behind her ear.

Have a seat. " Mrs. Watson said, sitting on their pale blue couch. Emily remembered her from the times she visited. She still seemed the same. Emily looked around. Everything in their house seemed to be decorated according to aesthetics. It felt cozy, "Emily, how are your parents?" she asked. "They are good," she said. Her eyes fell on the brown book placed at the coffee table. It was a rare copy of the classic pride and prejudice.

"Is that the rare copy?" Emily asked. "It is," Mrs. Hale answered, putting on a green jacket over her t-shirt and trousers. "May I see?" Emily asked, looking at the gold designs on the black covering. "Sure." With those words, Emily took the book in her arms. She flipped through the pages, "you like books?" Mrs. Watson asked.

"Love them," Emily said. "Then I might have something you might like, follow me," she said, getting up. Emily stood up, "You can take it if you like it," Mrs. Watson said, pointing at the book still in her hand. Emily immediately put it down, "Oh, I can't," she said. Mrs. Watson smiled at her, "Sweetheart, I have more than one copy. You can keep it," she said. "Are you sure?" Emily asked, her smile widened. "Positive, now come on," she turned. Emily picked up the book, and she liked Mrs. Watson.

She led her to the topmost room in the house. Mrs. Watson glanced at her before pushing the pale pink door. "O My God" Emily said as she looked around. "Welcome to my library," she said. "Come in, Emily," she said. All Emily could see were books and books everywhere, she felt like she was in beauty and the beasts, the ceiling too had beautiful paintings. "Look around," Mrs. Watson said as Emily traced the various books on the shelves, and some had flowers between them. Her library had more than a thousand books.

"You can read as many as you like," she said. "Thank you, Mrs. Watson, " Emily said, still looking around the enormous room. "Emily?" Sam came through the door, "you showed her the library?" he asked. "I did. Are the cookies ready?" his mother asked. "The dough is done," he said. Downstairs, their phone rang, "I will get it," Mrs. Watson said, walking down.

"She likes you," he said, walking up to her. "How can you tell?" Emily asked. "She never showed her library to anyone I dated, even Isabel doesn't know," he said. "I am likable. What can I say," she shrugged. Sam raised his eyebrows, "god I sounded just like you, didn't I?" she asked. "Yes, and it's a great think. You are on your way to be amazing. Congratulations," he said as they walked down the stairs. "You are a terrible influence," she said. "You need me," he said.

"I need to run some errands, Emily it was great meeting you," his mother said wearing a floral dress. "Do you want me to go with you?" Sam asked. "No, you stay, keep Emily company, and I will have the cookies once I am back," she said already out of the door.

"Let's go to the kitchen," he said. "Will I finally get to see Sam Watson bake?" she asked. "It's a privilege," he said, pulling the dough out. "Sure, Sam," she said in a bored tone. "You will understand when you once taste it," he said, rolling the dough into small balls.

"We will see," she said, leaning against the kitchen counter. Sam looked different in the kitchen. He was focused, and his fluffy hair fell over his eyes. She wondered if that was another soft side of the cold heartbreak prince. "You are staring," he said without looking up. "I am admiring," she said. He looked up, "do you want me to help?" she asked.

"Do you even know how to walk in a kitchen?" he asked. "Hey, that was one time, and Ed is a liar," she said. "You nearly lit your kitchen on fire," he said. "I changed," she said. So, you admit, " he said. "Could you not?" she said.

"Sure, angel, come over here," he called, stepping back. "Okay, so first, take the dough and make some circles like this," he said. "It's easy," she followed his movements. "Now, make a hole and place a bar of chocolate inside," he said.

"Where should I?" she said. He came behind her and slowly placed her hand in the middle, her breath caught. His perfume filled her senses. "There," he said next to her ear when she noticed a pearl bracelet next to the flour.

"Where did you get that bracelet," she asked.

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