Chapter 20. "Cupcakes?"

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"My father wishes happy birthday to you," Isabel said, sitting next to Rowan. The air immediately thickened. All the boys looked at each other. "Hello boys," she flashed them a smile. Sam couldn't ignore his heart's somersault when she smiled. "Hey, Isabel," only James replied. "Rude, I was wondering if she was cut off. "Hi darling," Emily smiled, walking towards them. Sam couldn't help but smile, "hello angel," he took her in his arms and pressed a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Your timing is incredible," he whispered. "I was waiting for it," she whispered back. "Oh hi, Isabel didn't see you there, how are you?" she asked, turning toward her, Sam's arms still around her. "I am good," Isabel smiled at her. Isabel was clever enough not to spark any controversy, but Emily was surely not above the pettiness.

"I think I will leave. Happy birthday, Sam," Isabel said, standing up. "Thank you, Isabel." He called out.

She turned around, and her eyes seemed hopeful. "And the party is at seven," he said. "I will be there," she said. "Bye, Isabel tell William I said hi." Emily smiled at her. "We are not together anymore," Isabel said, Emily tried to hide her smile. "I am sorry to hear that. Well, things happen," Emily said. Isabel nodded and walked away.

"Things happen?" Edward asked. "What I supposed to say, I am happy you two broke up," she said. Sam saw Isabel turning once to look at him and walking away. "I think..." he trailed off."I will be back within a minute, " he followed her out.

"I am sorry for it," Sam said as Isabel sat on the bleachers, "it was fine," she said. Sam sat next to her, and she rested her head on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" he asked. "I am fine, it was...leave it," she said. "You shouldn't think about it anymore," he said in an attempt to comfort her.

"You seem happy." she looked at him. He weakly smiled, "I am," he said, and he realized that with Emily, he was happy. She was a good friend. She nodded and tucked a strand of hair, "I miss you, Sam," she said. "I miss you too, Izzy," he said, his heart rapidly picking up pace. Isabel leaned in closer, their lips barely touching when Sam pulled back, "I can't," he said. He closed his eyes.

Isabel leaned back with a sharp breath, "I understand, I am sorry you have a girlfriend, and" he stopped her, "I can't be the one you run to just because your boyfriend and you are fighting. I can't be the one you settle for," he said. "I am not settling," Isabel tried. "I want to be with you, you know that, but I can't be the one you love when you have no one to love. I won't be that person anymore. I am sorry about the fight between you and William. " he walked away, leaving her sitting in the bleachers.

"Did he just follow her?" Edward asked, looking at Sam walking behind Isabel. "Leave it. He is blind. All it takes is one look from her, and he goes running after her, " Rowan said. "They don't mean it," James told Emily. "You can dump him whenever you want. We will handle the rest," Edward said. "All of it if you ever feel the need to," Rowan agreed.

"What will you handle?" Sam sat beside them. Emily's phone buzzed, "Excuse me," she got up to take the call. "What happened, G?" she asked. "William happened, I heard he was looking for you. Emmy, don't fall him again, " she said. "I won't, I swear," Emily said, spotting Will across her. "I will talk to you later," she hung up as she walked out of the cafeteria.

"You are aware you are dating Emily, not Isabel, right?" Rowan asked, glaring at him. "Honestly, Sam, leaving your girlfriend sitting and following your ex is a shitty move, a very shitty move," James said. "Edward?" Sam asked. "She is capable of destroying your life if you hurt her, so I am fine," he said, taking a bite of his cupcake. "Where is she, though?" Edward asked. 

"Maybe she went away," Rowan said. Sam looked around. "No, she had a call," James said. Sam spotted her first. She was talking to William, and he was hit with a strange feeling. It was probably nothing. He turned around, "Ella estara Bien," Sam said. "What is wrong with you?" Edward asked. "He said she will be fine," Rowan translated. "I caught that I am not stupid, but why?" Edward asked. "To impress Emily," James said. Edward let out a breath, "Continue," he said. Sam glanced once more at Emily.

"Hi," Emily said, walking towards Will. "Hey, I was looking for you," he said. "I heard," she whispered. "I am sorry, what?" he asked. "Nothing, why were you looking for me?" she asked, tapping her feet. "Can you give these to your mother? Mum sent these for you all." he gave her a brown box. "Thanks, tell Hailey  I said thank you," Emily said, the rich smell of cupcakes filling her up. "I am sorry about the fight," she said. "Word surely travels fast, huh?" he said.

"Nearly everyone knows," she said. "Great," he said, running his hand through his curls. "It was nothing honestly," he started, "just a few bumps along the way, you know how they are," he said. "Sure, I understand," she said, she didn't understand. "See you around, William," she waved, turning away to see Gwyn staring at her.

"Cupcakes?" Emily asked. "You are never going to improve, are you?" she asked, crossing her arms across her chest. "He sent cupcakes for us," Emily said. "Eat then." Gwyn took one. "I will," Emily said. "Let's go to class, and your boyfriend was looking," she said. "Who?" Emily asked. "Sam, obviously, how many boyfriends do you have?" Gwyn asked.

"Hey," James said, walking towards them. "Hi," Gwyn said with a smile. Emily raised her eyebrows as the rest of the boys followed behind, "The party is at seven," Sam said. "Sure," Emily nodded.
"And they are back together," Gwyn suddenly said, her eyes at a distance. "What the fuck" Emily and Sam said at the same time watching William and Isabel kiss.

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