Chapter 34. "My girl"

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"Where is Emily?" Sam asked, walking beside Edward. "She is sick," Edward said. "What happened to her?" Rowan asked, kissing his cheek. "Hi," Edward turned his attention to his boyfriend. "Hello? Ed, we are here too, " James said, joining his friends. "Don't care, Jamie," he said. "No, seriously, what happened to her?" Sam asked.

"She has a fever," Edward said. "A real one?" James asked. "What else kind of fever are you aware of?" Rowan asked. "Right, she doesn't skip school," James said. "Since when she was okay last night," Sam said. They turned towards him, "we talked on the phone," Sam said. He wouldn't reveal their late-night meetings.

"From this morning," Edward said, eating his lunch. "James, what happened to the couple? Both are sitting apart," Rowan asked. "Do you think I know all the gossip?" James asked. "Yes," all of them answered in unison. "Well, you aren't wrong. They are going through a rough patch, and when I say rough, I mean rough, in a screaming and throwing things at each other rough," he said.

"Why?" Edward asked. "Edward, that's all I know. If you want to know more, ask Stephanie," James said. "Ask Stephanie what?" her voice came. "How did you even get here?" Sam asked. "I was summoned, now shift," she said, sitting next to Sam. He glanced at Charlie, "How do you deal with her?" he asked. "Patience, a lot of it and sometimes vodka."

"What is going on between Isabel and William?" Rowan asked. "You are the fifth person to ask me that, so the tea is that William supposedly likes someone else." "What a surprise." Edward rolled his eyes. "There's more," she leaned in, "he supposedly likes Emily," she said. "What?" Sam asked along with the rest of the boys.

"The parties, the dates all those hugs, kisses between you two. How did you think her ex would feel seeing that? Now the rumor is that he wants her back and Isabel is pissed, it is going to be fun maybe not for you but us, let's go Char, " she said, getting up. "Don't pay attention. They are just rumors," Charlie said. "The rumors that are spiraling around," Stephanie said, taking her arm, "Bye boys."

"Bye, Steph," they said. William liked Emily, and their plan worked out efficiently, but why wasn't Sam happy for her? It confused him as his friends continued talking. "What are you going to do about it, Sam?" Rowan asked. "What do you mean?" he asked. He had no idea what they were talking about. "Dude, your girlfriend's ex is still in love with her. What are you going to do about it?" James asked. "Sam, are you even here?" Edward asked. "I am, I don't think I have to do something, I and Emily love each other, and we want to be together," he said.

"Are you sure Emily wants it too?" Rowan asked. "What does that mean, Ro?" James asked. "What I am asking is that she and William were together for three years" "Four" Sam corrected. "They were together for four years, much less than the four weeks relationship between you and Isabel. Are you sure she doesn't like him a bit," he said.

"Are you implying my sister might leave him for that douche?" Edward asked. "I am just -" Sam interrupted him "Rowan everything is great between me and Emmy. There is absolutely nothing to worry about." "Watson," their coach called him. "I have to go," said standing up.

"We have the next game this month. Make sure the team is at its best," their coach said. "Absolutely," he said, walking back towards them. "The coach is worried," he said, sitting next to them. "This match will be tough. We are already behind," James said. "We are not anymore with the victory in our last match. We have an equal position. If we win this, it will be huge," Sam said. "Chill down, captain. you all still have the game to play, " Rowan said. "We are going to win," Sam spoke with absolute surety. "Let's go to Edward's house after school. we should see Emily," James said. "I will grab some of those cupcakes she likes along the way," Rowan said.

"You didn't take the window," Emily asked, looking at him, leaning against her door. "I can be surprising sometimes," he said, walking in. "Don't come near, you will catch a cold too," she said. "I don't think I care much." he sat on the chair next to her. "I look gross, don't I?" she asked, trying to get up. "Take rest, Emmy, and besides, I have seen worse," he said.

"Hi, Emmy," James said. "Hi, James," she said, Sam helped her get up. She was burning. "How are you keeping?" Rowan asked. "I think I am on the verge of dying besides that. I am absolutely fine," she said. "You just have a fever that will go down in three days, here," he gave her hot chocolate. "I love you," she said, taking a sip. "Are you talking about me or the drink?" Edward asked. "Both," she said.

"Here you would like it." Rowan handed her the hot brownies. "Thank you, Rowan. You are a sweetheart," she said, pulling one out. "Take care, we should leave," James said. "Bye," she said. "Sam?" Edward asked, walking towards the door. "I think I will stay," he said, looking at her. "You are the captain. You can ditch practice," James said. "I am sure the team would survive a day without me, I have to stay with my girlfriend. Tell the coach some excuse"

"As you wish," Edward said, "the food is in the kitchen. If you are hungry, just microwave it. Do you want me to bring you something?" he asked. "No, it's fine," she said. He kissed her temple, "I will be back in two hours, call me if you feel bad," he said, closing the door behind him,

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