Chapter 47. "Absolute chaos"

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"I am glad," he said, leaning in. She closed her eyes and suddenly stepped back. She watched confusion cloud his face, "Did I do something wrong?" he asked, eyebrows furrowed. "No, you didn't. You did nothing wrong it's just." she took a deep breath. "I don't want our kiss to be something we regret, ever," she said. "I am going to do this the right way," she said, walking away from him.

"Where are you going?" he called after her. "Wait for me," she said, turning around with a smile. "I will always," he whispered as he watched her walk out. He was in love, and his phone buzzed. "Hey Sam," Isabel said. "What do you want, Isa? I thought we were done?" he asked. "I just want to talk to you one last time. Just this one time," she said. Sam took a pause, "Fine, where?" he asked.

Emily knocked twice on William's door. "What are you doing here?" he asked, opening the door. "I can't be with you anymore," she said, catching her breath. Running wasn't a good idea. "What? What happened?" he came out of the door. "I am not going to say it's not you it's me because it is you," she said.

"I don't understand," he said. "I thought so, see Will you cheated on me with the person I hated, and no matter how much I try, I can't be in love with you, and trust me, I tried. I love you, Will I always will, but you hurt me a lot, and I don't think I can forgive you for that. You are not the one for me I realized that now and I have found the one he is nowhere near perfect but he is just perfect for me, so I think we shouldn't be together anymore, goodbye Will," she started walking without letting him say a word.

He was still confused, "and it is Sam if you are wondering who I am talking about," she said. She wasn't above the pettiness. Her heart was pounding as she called Gwyn. "I broke up with William, and I am in love with Sam, and I am realizing it all now," she said, walking towards her house.

"What?" she said. "I know," Emily said. "You are in love with Sam?" came James's voice. "James?" she asked. "Wait, so you broke up with William," her brother's voice came. "Edward?" she asked. "We all are at Gwyn's. Where are you?" Rowan asked. "What are you going to do about it?" Stephanie's voice came. "Where are you, Emmy?" Charlie asked. "Tell Gwyn to open her door," she said.

"Wait, we are coming down," Gwyn said, and there they were. "What is going on?" Gwyn asked, looking at her state. "Take me to the church," she said. "Catch your breath," Rowan said. "I am fine, Gwyn he is at his father's wedding. I need to go there," she said.

"I will drive you, God, this is exciting," she got in her car. The rest followed, "Where do you think you all are going?" Gwyn asked. "Do you honestly think we are missing her grand proposal?" Edward asked. "Weren't you against the whole thing?" Stephanie asked. "People change, Steph, and now shift," he said.

"No, no, you all can't go," Emily said. "Firstly rude, secondly shut up, Emmy," Edward said. "I didn't mean it like that, I meant not in the same car. He will get suspicious," she said. "Let's take my car," James said. "We will be right behind you," Rowan said, getting out. "Get your man," Stephanie said. "Good luck, Emmy," Charlie said, getting out at last until there was only Emily and Gwyn in.

"Ready?" Gwyn asked. "Absolutely not, but I don't think I ever will be," Emily said, taking out a pen and paper from Gwyn's dashboard. "What are you doing?" Gwyn asked, staring at her car. "Writing a love note," Emily said with the pen cap in her mouth. "Let's go," Gwyn said, driving out of the neighborhood.

"Flowers," Emily said as Gwyn made u turn, "god, you are an absolute mess, I love your this side," she said as Emily bought a bunch of flowers. "Do you really need all that?" Gwyn asked. "No," she said, laughing. "Why are you so strange?" she asked. "I love it," she said, going back to scribbling.

"There," Gwyn said, stopping in front of the church, "good luck," Gwyn said as Emily got out. "I need it," she said, rushing towards the door. She looked around for Sam. He should have been there. She didn't know anyone except his parents, she walked to Davina. "Hi, Emily, have you eaten?" she asked. "No, but the food smells amazing. Have you seen Sam?" she asked. "No, but he just went out," she said. "Everything okay?" she asked. "Yeah, everything is fine, thanks, Davina," she said, walking out.

"He is not here," she said. "What?" James asked. "He is not here," she repeated. "Where is he?" Rowan asked, "Where could he possibly go?" Edward asked, holding his phone. "Stop recording," she said. "No," he said. "Emmy, get in the car. We will find him," Gwyn said. "I know the only place where he can go," she said. "Gwyn, drive to the forest," she said.

"Why would he be here?" Gwyn asked, driving through the trees, "take a left, there he is, " she said, spotting him. She was right. He was at his rock. His happy place. She took the flowers and the letter, "Do I look alright?" she asked. "You look perfect now, go," Gwyn said. Emily saw the rest of the cars stop. She took a deep breath as she walked toward him

Suddenly, she movements stopped. He was with someone, and she recognized the brunette almost immediately as Isabel leaned in to kiss him. She turned without a word, "drive," she said, getting into Gwyn's car. "What happened?" Gwyn asked. "Just drive," she said the flowers and the letter on the ground, Gwyn started to drive away as Emily felt her heart breaking into pieces.

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