Chapter 37. "Cliched dates"

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"So James, are you seeing someone?" she asked, twirling her light hair. James looked around, "Um, I am not, at the moment," he said. "Why the hell does she want to know if he is seeing someone or not?" Gwyn asked. Emily rolled her eyes, "Hey Em," Sam's voice came. "Shut up," both of them said in unison. "Sit," Gwyn said as Sam sat next to them.

"What are we doing?" he asked. "We are trying to figure out if your best friend is interested in someone," Gwyn said, still staring at them. Sam looked at Emily, "James. we are trying to see if James likes Patricia, " she said. "He does not, and looks like we are not the only ones spying," Sam said.

At a little distance, Edward and Rowan were looking at them. "That is great," Patricia continued, "so would you be down to like go for a coffee, maybe?". "She chose the most cliched dating idea. He doesn't like coffee," Gwyn said. "You do realize he can't hear you," Emily said. "I don't care," Gwyn said. "I thought you hated him," Sam asked. "I don't really, I never did,"  she said. "Then you should him that not us," Sam said.

"Um, sure," James said. "Great, see you tonight, Bye Jamie," she said, kissing his cheek. "Jamie?" Emily and Gwyn mouthed at each other. They watched her leave, "Hi, James," Gwyn said, walking towards him. "This is going to be good," Emily said as she and  Sam followed Gwyn. Edward and Rowan wasted no time joining in. 

"Hi, Gwyn," he said. "So, how was it?" Edward asked. "How was what?" Stephanie asked. "How do you just show up unannounced?" Sam asked. "I have a talent," she said. "Patricia asked James out," Rowan said. "Wait, I thought." she looked at Gwyn. "What?" Gwyn nearly snapped, "Never mind. " she turned back towards James.

Emily slowly held Gwyn's hand. "That girl had a crush on you since like sixth grade," Sam said. "She only likes him because of his popularity. She sees him as a social ladder," Gwyn said before she could stop herself. "Why do you care?" James asked, turning towards her. "Why is it bothering you that she asked me?" he asked. 

"It is not bothering me, James, I just don't want you to get hurt," she said. "Why do you even care that I get hurt, Gwyn ?" he asked. "Because I am," she stopped herself. "You are what?" he asked. "Because you are my friend," she said. Emily could see the clear disappointment on his face, "I am going on a date today," he told Stephanie. "Great,"  Gwyn said. The air was thick with tension, "so umm,  I am gonna go home," Stephanie said, breaking the silence.

"Right we should go to, Rowan," Edward said, pulling him aside, "Emmy?" he called out. "A minute," she said as James walked past them. "Don't bother, alright? you are still the girl he loves, " Emily asked. "You think that?" she asked. "I know that," she said, squeezing her hands. Gwyn nodded, "Bye, Emmy," 

"Bye, G," Emily said, walking towards the boys, "where is Ed?" she asked. "Mr. Torres called him," Rowan said. "Hey, Sam, do you mind dropping off Emmy, Mr. Torres needs help with the papers, and Ro, I need help. You are a prefect join in," he said. "There goes my whole evening," he said. "Not just yours, love. I would have called Sam if he wasn't to drop Emmy, " Edward said. "Tell your mother congratulations from my side," Rowan said. "Mine too and James's," Edward said, "Come on, be careful Emmy," he said.

"Shall we?" Sam asked opening the door for her. "Yeah," she said. She was used to getting in his car now. It felt familiar. "Why can't people just admit they are love and save the other person's misery," she said. "It's not easy, angel. Confessing to someone is difficult. They can either make you the happiest or crush your heart to pieces, " he said.

"People shouldn't be afraid to do it." Emily looked out of the window. "Not everyone is brave enough to risk everything," he said, stopping in front of her house. "I will see you around five," she said. "I will look forward to it," he said. She smiled and turned around. It was these little moments. These little things he said made her feel butterflies. 

She shouldn't think of him in any way other than her friend. He was her partner in the pact, nothing more and nothing else, but Sam Watson made it difficult not to fall for him. At exactly five, her doorbell rang. She smoothed her lilac dress and ran down the stairs. 

"How do I look?" she asked her father. "You look beautiful, honey," he said, looking up from his pages. She smiled and opened the door. "You look beautiful," Sam said the moment he saw her "Thank you, Sam, you don't look too bad," she said, "I am glad," he said, watching her father, "hello Mr. Hale, " he said. "Hello, Sam," he stood up. "What are you doing?" she whispering. "Impressing him, watch," he whispered back. He struck up a conversation with  her father about all the things her father liked, and by the end of fifteen minutes, her father was charmed.

"That was impressive," she said. "I read on all the things he liked, I needed to impress him," he said, winking at her. She shook her head as he led her to his car.

The book launch was at their house, and the backyard was decorated in white. Emily saw many famous writers and established names in publishing, "Do you know every one of them?" she asked. "Only some but just smile, nod, and walk away," he said, smiling at a man. "Emily, you made it," his mother said. Emily handed her the lilies she bought, "for you," she said. "That is very sweet of you," she said. 

"Gina," one of her friends seemed to call her. "I will keep these. Sam, Show her the party, I will be back." With that, she was gone. "She won't be soon," he said. "Seems like you are my only company then," she said. "You won't regret it," he said. "Sam," a male voice came from behind. She immediately felt him stiffen. "Dad," he said, turning around.

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