Chapter 21. Fathers and parties

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"How can they be back together that fast? They just broke up, " Emily said, leaning against the familiar seat of Sam's car. "Cupcake?" she offered, her mouth full of one. Sam took a bite of a chocolate cupcake. "These are good," he said. "Hailey, Williams's mother bakes them," Emily said, swallowing the lump. "He called it a few bumps along the way," she said, "what did she want?" Emily asked.

"She tried to kiss me," Sam said. Emily held the cupcake next to her mouth, "I am sorry, what?" she asked, straightening up. "She tried to kiss me on the bleachers, she was sad." "She what?"

He repeated. " two kissed?" Emily asked, turning away. "No, I pulled back," he said, leaning against the window. "Why would you do something like that? I would have kissed William, " Emily said.

"I don't know, it felt wrong somehow, and now they are back together," he said, "I knew I should've stopped." "Did they even break up in the first place?" Emily asked. "I have absolutely no clue about them, and honestly, I don't care," he said. "You do care, though," Emily said, taking her second cupcake. "I am an idiot for caring," he said following her lead. "I think that makes you a good person," her phone pinged. "Gotta go," said, opening the door. "Ed is waiting, see you at the party Sam".

Sam watched Emily get into Edward's car. She waved at him before Edward drove. Sam leaned against the headboard. Now he had lunch with his father. His day was truly turning terrible.

He wouldn't have expected any less from his father. He chose the most expensive restaurant as the meeting spot. Sam loosened his tie. He was still in his uniform. He looked around and immediately spotted them. Her father was next to a young woman he saw in the magazines. They were holding hands and talking. They seemed to be in love, and maybe they were. He didn't want that. He was supposed to love his mother.

He walked towards them and cleared his throat. "There you are." his father got up and patted his back. "Davina, meet my son, Sam. Sam, this is my beautiful fiancée, Davina. " Sam stretched his hand, "it's a pleasure to meet you, Davina," he said.

"The pleasure is mine to finally meet the son he talks about. Happy birthday, Sam, " she said in a sharp voice. She looked refined and had an air of sophistication oppossed to the homely cozy vibe his mother had. "Thank you, Davina, it's hard to believe he mentioned me, I don't recall him mentioning you much." Sam took his seat, looking at his father's ashen face. "That's a shame," she said, pulling her dark hair to her side, her eyes a deeper shade of green than his. She was barely six years older than him, and he turned the other way.

"I see you are still in your uniform?" His father started. "I had to be here on time, and my school ended half an hour ago, did you not know?" he asked. "Let's order, shall we?" Davina said, sensing the sudden tension. Sam's eyes fell on the massive diamond ring resting on her finger. He looked at his father, looking at her the way he remembered him looking at his mother.

"What are your plans today, Sam?" Davina tried to start a conversation with him. "I am throwing a party," Sam said, looking at his soup. "You should throw it at our lake house. It is a great place," Davina said. "That is a great suggestion, but I have a house," Sam said.

"You should look at someone when they are speaking to you," his father said in his stern voice. He placed his spoon back to the side, "Yes, dad?" he asked. "You are throwing the party at the lakehouse," he commanded. "I am organizing it." That was how it always was. He always made his decisions for him whenever he could.

Sam dug his nails into his palms, "sure". His birthday party was officially destroyed. "We can call Claire's daughter too, she would be a good match for him, what do you think?" he asked. "Honey, I don't think that is necessary, I am sure he has a girlfriend," Davina said. "Do you?" His father asked."I do, Emily Hale, " he said. "Daughter of that lawyer, Andrew Hale?" he asked."Yes," Sam answered. He wanted to get out as soon as he could. "So Sam, have you thought about any colleges yet?" Davina asked. "I haven't actually," he said. "Didn't you get any scholarship because of your game, I got three at your age," he said. "That is wonderful, but I am sorry to disappoint you, but I didn't," he said, shredding his chicken breast further.

His father's phone rang, "I will be back in a moment." he walked off, leaving only him and Davina sitting. No one spoke for a moment.

"I know this is hard for you, Sam, to watch your father with someone else," Davina said. "It's his life, and now your life, I don't think my opinion matters much," he said, avoiding her eyes. "Things could not be like this, I know you aren't comfortable with us but" Sam cut her off, "Davina look I really appreciate your gesture but things between me and him are beyond repair, I will be at the wedding as it is expected out of me but don't expect us to be a family, because we won't" he stood up from his chair.

"I am tired and it was nice meeting you but I have to leave, please tell my father that when he is back". Davina nodded, "Of course," she said. "Goodbye," he walked out, and he heard his father's voice, something about him being ungrateful and disrespectful. Sam was used to it by now.

He took out his phone and texted his friends

Sam: My father is overtaking the party and is now at his lakehouse. The party is over.

He tossed his phone aside next to the scholarship application to Stanford.

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