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" You slept for three days."

The bomb dropped on me.

As soon as I woke up, the worried faces of mother and kids who were crying made me confused.

It turns out that I slept for three days.
How could it happen? The last thing i remember is ....


Why can't I remember anything?

Argh! A pain squeezed my head.

" Don't pressurize your mind Diana!" I heard a voice familiar but unfamiliar at the same time.

My eyes instinctively look at the owner of the manly voice. A figure appears between my line of sight. Tall and sturdy body, jet black hair, the sharp eyes as if they can look through you, a glass resting on his nose.  Wearing navy blue shirt with black pants, he was standing at the entrance of my room with one hands in his pocket. 

"Senior?" The words escaped my mouth. 

" How are you?, Diana"   

The Body's owner's Senior, he is.

I saw Roderic standing behind him.

" ...not fine." How can I be fine with amnesia?

In response he smiled and tooks steps towards me.

" You are suffering from selective amnesia, Diana."

Selective amnesia? What could trigger that in me? 

" Have you been surpressing your emotions for so long?" He asked as i look around the worried faces of my family noticing that senior signalled everyone to leave as i sat up straight.

" I don't think so!" I replied.

I can't understand. I don't remember surpressing my emotions here. Probably real Diana use to do that. But that doesn't makes sense. Diana was a carefree girl as per her memories. She love expressing herself.

"..hmmm, than probably something else caused it. It's quite abnormal. "

Yes, it's abnormal. Why? I was taking care of my mental health well.

Was it stress? I don't know anymore, i think i need to consult a psychia-- oh wait, it's me.

" What's the last thing you can remember?"

" It..s I went to sleep..and than I woke up today"

"Hmm, it's complicated. Amnesia without any cause. A healthy body slept for 3 days continuously and wasn't even in coma. " Senior started to explain but something about him felt odd. His gaze felt as if he could read me as if he is looking for something.

What is it that he want from me?

" if the soul have left the body." I flinched.

" What?"  It was impulse. He smiled . Did I made a mistake.

" I said, it's abnormal." He said.

He clearly knows which part I am implying, the reason behind him acting oblivious would be?

Does he know something about my reincarnation?
If he is going to play mind games than game on! Sir.


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