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He crashed his lips on mine and with that I was there in some strange building of some another world, inbetween bloodshed kissing my crush.

The kiss didn't last long given the circumstances.
We had no plans to die while kissing, or just Roderic did not cause I didn't really mind.

The moment when I couldn't think of anything else, the world was blur, I saw people being murdered.

The blood splattered across my face.

It wasn't mine. Or of someone I knew.
It was of people who had their face hidden.
I didn't feel any grief for them. In fact I felt relieved as the men got wiped up,before they can kill us.
Humans are hypocrites.
No matter how much one talks about humanity, at the end of the day what matters is one's own self.
Maybe that's why Crystal forgave Roderic, when she realised what she was missing.

Sometimes I wonder,Is what we call love, just the desire of being special to someone.
And not just anyone, being special to someone who we think highly of.
That's how praise works.

I followed roderic behind.  Slowly we reached to a balcony,
The walls weren't painted, the area damp due to rain.
The railing of glass was broken, I wondered the reason being the gunshots and fight
I look down to find we were like 5 floor above.

I noticed Roderic looking at me.  I waited for him to say anything.

" wait here." He instructed.

"Huh?" I didn't get any reply back as he jumped from the building, my heart leaped in my chest as I look down at him who after landing here and there reached the down floor, he ran towards somewhere outside, and I stood there, still in shock and feeling numb of the things which happened

It felt surreal, My love kissing me. Me being here, everything.
It was slowing getting dark, a few drops of rain falling.

I just stood there at the edge of the floor, looking at the sky now, the wind hitting my face.
I felt sleepy.

Until I heard a gunshot. I flinched and ducked down in response trying to prevent me from falling down due to shock.

I look back to see a men standing there his gun pointed at me.

And the reality hit me.

Did I got abandoned?
I let out an involuntary scoff as the man walked towards me.

I took a steps back and he stopped at his spot.

I wonder what the kiss meant to him.
I don't really care if I die here.
Not like kids and Diana's mother are even mine.

I felt empty.

" Where is Roderic?" The man asked, he didn't threaten me, maybe because my condition is already worse and It might look like I will die if he did that.
Only thing visible was his eyes, I made an eye contact with him, they held worry.
I laughed out loud at my analysis. What are YOU worried about?

And I took one more step back.

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