41: Interrogation

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The revelation appalled me beyond anything. My heart felt like it dropped into my stomach, I felt sweat forming in my palms and feet as I took one step or two backwards reflexively.

My dry throat preventing me from doing anything as I stared at the man I love.
Who might kill me.

His aura wasn't something which I had experienced when I was with him for weeks but as if the person who I knew nothing of.
A total stranger, his eyes ,now masked , scrutinized me as I stood frozen leaving my life to fate waiting for impending danger to my life.

His each steps towards me was as if countdown and I stood doing nothing.

" Come on, Ms. Doctor, Seat inside, why are you standing there like I will eat you up?" His smile sent chills down my spine as he motioned his hands towards the couch to his left, in the corner of the hall which I hadn't noticed.

It's took good fifty-five seconds for his patience to run out his hands grabbing my hands as he dragged me to the couch.

I broke out of my daze.
" Are you testing my patience Miss?, Cause I don't think YOU out of all the people around me doesn't know about it, right Ms. Doctor."
He stood infront of me his aura dark and dangerous.

He impatiently pulled out a box of cigarettes, picking out on his put it inbetween his lips, his eyes never leaving mine, he lighted it up as I noticed the smoke slowing turned denser.

I felt the smoke filled my lungs resulting in me coughing violently, my eyes tearful, hands on my chest.
I am really not fan of coughing.

I noticed as he threw the cigarette to the ground immediately before smashing it with his shoes.
It took me minutes to calm down.

And I noticed, I wasn't terrified anymore.

" Take a seat, please." He sat while saying.

Hesitating a bit I sat down too.
" I will get straight to the point, Do you know the Novel?"

" .. Yeah." Never had I ever imagined that someday I would be asked this question,and that too by male lead of this Novel.

" When did you read that?" When I was not in this world . Can I say that?
Now that I think about it, exactly how much does he know?

" uh, when I was in the College." Rule number X of how to behave when being interrogated.
Just reply what asked. Nothing more, nothing less.

" How did you get the book?"  How did I get it?
I don't exactly remember how, it's the truth, but the question it will he believe that?
Does he trust me? Let's test it out.

" I don't really remember, I just used to read alot buy books ,soo..." I made eye contact with him, Not being able to read him.
He made no moments, he was contemplating about my words.

Maybe he is considering the times when I used to read books of his library all night.

" Next question."
I jolted out of the memories.

" yes."

" Do you still have it, the book?"

" uh, no."

"Are you sure?"
The question made me doubt myself for a second but how could the book be with me? It couldn't be right?


" How much do you know about the plot?"

" What do you want to know?"
I noticed the flicker in his eyes and a small frown he suppressed, he hates receiving questions on his questions.

" What was your role in the story?"
Could it be you are interested in me?
No, Stupid Diana he is testing whether you are a threat or not.

" I was a supporting charector"

" Do you know about the underworld."

My breathe stuck a little as I look at him." Yeah"

He chuckled on my reply.

" What was your intention when you agreed to be my personal psychiatrist?"

" Intention, you ask" I chuckled.

My life is really something.
I can't even wish for him to know how much it aches when he doubts me, because I don't want him to suffer more.

" I was being paid well, that's why."
I look straight into his beautiful eyes with a smile. I wasn't half lie.

" You want me to believe you risked the kids because of money?"
Something snapped within me.
" Are you forgetting-- oh wait you don't even know, Aunt koay blackmailed me using kids to have you come and live in Haven,and the moment you got involved, they were already in danger, and just as you know, Once one steps into that world there's no going back.
Have I satisfied you know?"

I blurted in anger.

He seemed shocked at my outburst, it was my first time being angry infront of him.

Suddenly he started to laugh.

" Yes, yes, I am satisfied" He said with his dazzling grin.

" let's go to next one, Do you know the relationship between me and crystal?"


Not edited :)

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