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Have you ever just looked at someone for the first time and you instantly realise that you hate them?

I did.

As I looked at the man who just entered the room.
Pierces, tattoos, gold jewelleries were the things I noticed before looking at his smug face which surely won't last long.

" Hi, babygirl !" He smirked walking like a constipated monkey. He thinks he looks cool.

While chewing something, his eyes swept from Crystal to me and than back to Crystal, who sat beside me.

He seem to have googled how to be bad boy and followed all the steps.

" You must be his first lover" he grinned making his way towards her, his hands in his pockets.

Crystal instinctively shrank closer to me.

He stopped just few inches before us.

" You are quite a beauty." He said his eyes helding disgusting glint while looking at Crystal who too made a disgusted expression.

He than look at me." Hah! You are his another girl." He examined. Disgusting me further.

He leaned his face closer to Crystal's face "You know nobody's coming for you right" He grinned.

As we noticed few more men entering the room, they brought, lots of torture weapons. And then went out.

I would lie if I said It didn't affect me when I saw  the dry blood on the chain saw.

I look at the girl beside me her face went pale due to fear, I can even feel her trembling slightly.

Like It's her first time witnessing something like this, of course it was, although she have been kidnapped plenty of times, probably due to her female lead halo, either she is save before anything like this or the kidnapper falls for her,

Like Roderic did.

" Even your Terrified face is alluring"


I blinked in shock when Crystal Slapped him.

His face turned other way" Stay away from me." She glared at him. Her eyes filled with tears.

" H..hahahahahhahahahha" We both look at the man laughing like Crazy, please don't let it be what I think it is.

" You are the-" noooo

"... First woman who dared to hit me, hahaha, I will make you my woman" he put his hands beside her head.

This dialogue. I just--- .

I noticed him going closer and closer to Crystal. No , sh**face.

My heels landed on his no-no zone with a loud shriek he fell backwards groaning in pain.

"....y--." he was finding it's difficult to even utter a words I look beside me to find her looking at me with wide eyes.

After a few minutes of groaning he stood up, seemingly recovered,or not, she walked towards me anger radiating from him.

"Aaaah" I involuntarily screamed when he grabbed my hair roughly and banged it to the wall.

My head started to throb when he started to drag me by my feet towards somewhere.

I felt piti--no. Anger took over me, all I saw was red, how dare he.

I took control of my legs,  kicked  at his back which hadn't affected much but he halted for few seconds, enough for me to just


He screamed.
When my heels pierced his back and instantly let go of me.

Suddenly the door opened again entered
a gorgeous lady, a goddess wearing ocean blue bodycon dress, lustrous dark skin, killer brown orbs.

With a smile she made her way towards us.

" Hii ladies. " She winked as if completely unaffected by the fact that a chimpanzee like man was screaming, which could possibly be her teammate.

" Hello, Gorgeous"
Ignoring my throbbing head, stinging back and the possibility of concussion, I replied, I forever appreciate beauty.
It took her a moment to process before she chuckled.

" Oh my, Courageous one, huh."

She bent down as I stared at her in awe of the elegance she possessed. who is she?

" If it wasn't for the fact that we are rivals. The way you looking at me , I would have married you,babe" she smiled.

I mean I don't mind, Ours can be rivals to lovers.

" If I wasn't in love with someone else, I would have married you too, goddess, Can I know your name?"

" Hahahahahaha, Such a cutie you are,.... Lydia, my name's Lydia Ortiz."

" Beautiful name for the beautiful lady."

" What the f*** you are doing Lydia?! "
The chimpanzee groaned and glared at Lydia.

" Flirting, you deaf or what?" She snapped at him

So, Rivals to lovers. Is it.


A/n: Hey ,ik ,it's been long , but I've had alot going on.

And because of something, I had lost the motivation to write.

But than I realised, the reason I lost the motivation was because I wasn't writing.

But than I realised, the reason I lost the motivation was because I wasn't writing

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I got glasses 🤓, I finally killed my eyes.

The chapter dedicated to the one who reminded me that I have readers waiting for me to update.


I mean just by thinking that someone might have followed the rules I don't know what I am feeling.

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