And ...gone.

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" Yes, Senior, it really is!to think that I have become a patient." I laughed, my eyes filled with nothing but sincerity and respect.

It was for millisecond, but i did noticed the brows of senior furrow a tiny bit. I got him.

" Senior, When did you return?" I asked,

searching through the memories of the original Diana, I found out that he,for some emergency, had went to another country, the very reason why, Aunt koay had me as Roderic's psychiatrist instead of senior.

As for, what was the emergency? No body have any idea.

"The day you slept." His reply was straightforward.

He seems to be well prepared. I can't read him at all and the reason of him being this alert around me,what could it be?

" Oh..." I don't wanna talk to him anymore.

" Can you please send mother inside, thank you." I didn't wait for the answer and buried my face in the blanket.

" ......" After few seconds i finally heard him heave a sigh and his footsteps going outside the room followed by the sound of door closing.

I let out the breathe, I hadn't realised I was holding.


"Where are kids?" I asked, my eyes searching behind my mother to find them.

" Twins are sleeping, Adrian, Dove and Caleb are just outside, I heard you have something to talk to me."

" Mom, what happened in last few days."

" We panicked when next day you didn't woke up, we tried so much, hearing the chaos, that guy Roderic came and than called doctor, you senior came along with the doctor......

Nothing much happened since all we did was to wait for you to wake up." I noticed the concern in her eyes twinkling with tears .

"It's alright mom, it won't happen again." I reassured her,or maybe myself.

" Can you please tell kids to enter now?" I smiled a little to lift up the mood.

" Yeah." Mom went to door to call them.

It gave me time to collect my thoughts.

It's really troublesome, but it isn't time to worry about that, kids school with start again since rain seem to have stopped.

" Sis!" Door flew opened as they walked inside with tears in their jewel like eyes.

They hugged me, as I squeezed inbetween, Adrian, Caleb and Olivia as Dove stood beside my bed followed by mother.

" Hey, hey.. I am fine." I consoled them, although They were crying I had a big smile on my face.

They cared.


"We need to talk." These words always gives me mini heart-attack . What's wrong now?

I look at Senior as he urged me to go to the living room.

I entered the room anxiously, as my eyes ventured around the room.
My mom,the secretary, My crush, and Aunt koay sat there.

I nervously made my way towards my mother and took a seat beside her as everyone's eyes followed me and senior as we took out respective seat.

"What's the matter?" I broke the silence. This mystery is freaking me out.

I noticed everyone looking at each other, my mother seemed confused looks like she also have no idea about whatsoever is this meeting about.

" I will start." Finally, Aunt koay said.

" I think we know the circumstances under which Roderic had to come to live here."

My heart was numbly aching . But along with others I nodded too.

" In the absence of Mr. Brown we had to consult with Diana." Mr. Brown, senior's surname.

" And now that he have returned, There's no need for Roderic to be here anymore. And we would like for him to leave now."

My heart sank as the words slowly registered in my mind.

It's the time.

It's the time for him to leave.
He will leave now.
I won't be able to see him every morning.

I won't be able to spent time with him.

He will be cured by Senior and will happily be with Crystal.

Afterall he is the male protagonist and I am the supporting charector.

It's alright.

It's really is.

I felt numb, as they slowly rose from their seat and went to the luxurious car parked outside, my eyes refused to meet his as he bid goodbye.

And he's gone.


A/n: lol, he's gone. I feel evil.

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