Resident Evil Retribution Chapter 3

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(Hello! I've had a brief break and now I'm ready to write. Did anyone notice that Aurora and Alice kissed? Sure, it was their clones but they touched lips! Weird? Sorry, I'll stop. 

Also, I've made some changes if you haven't already noticed. Becky's name is now changed to Joan, I just felt like that was more Aurora. She's an equal mix of Alice and Aurora, oddly enough. But she has Alice's eyes.

Sorry for any mistakes, Wattpad changed the writing page, and it's harder to edit. I'll try to go through the chapters again but I make no promises. 

Have you noticed the cover? I'm sure you have because it's fucking awesome. 

Epic Cover By; bonnieboo101

She's was nice enough to make me one, and I really, really like it! I hope you guys do too.

Fan, Vote, Comment and Enjoy!)


Aurora had to stop, and pause to look around the New York simulation. The nostalgia hit her full force, it looked just like Time Square all those years ago. The record breaking buildings, the same exuberant advertising billboard's, and all the cars, mostly taxi's, that blocked the streets. All that was missing was the burning billboard lights, the intolerable car horns and all hundreds of people walking side by side. 

A sharp breath escaped Aurora's lips. This was New York. 

Aurora looked around as well, smiling appreciatively"New York"She sounded reminiscent of her surroundings.

Ada strode past them with an glare"We need to cross two more test environment's to escape, let's move"She gave Aurora a hard shove as she went past, the woman stumbled but grabbed onto Alice's arm before she fell

"Thanks, Ada"Aurora smothered down the urge to shoot the woman in front of her, and balanced herself off Alice.

They walked quickly behind Ada"Why would Umbrella continue to run these tests?"Alice wondered out loud, still looking around in amazement. Everything was exactly as she remembered it, but it all seemed like a waste. The world was already gone, what did they have to gain from more experiment's?

"They've always been obsessed with power, learning how to control it"Aurora shrugged"What's to say the Red Queen isn't just like the rest of them?"

Alice shook her head"Obsessed isn't the word, anymore"She muttered to herself. 

They walked another two blocks in silence, when a robotic voice alerted them"Stand by. Stand by. New York sequence initialized"

The three women paused, and looked at each other. Ada frowned"The Red Queen. She's acitivating bio-weapons to stop us"

Aurora made a face, biting her bottom lip"Let's hope it's just some infected, like Tokyo. Because I don't want to fight any Lickers,"She shuttered"Or those big guys with axes"

"You jinxed it"Alice deadpanned

There was a faraway scrapping, something heavy dragging against the cement road. Aurora threw her head back and groaned"Son of a bitch, seriously?"

"You know what that is?"Ada squinted ahead of them, but saw nothing in the darkness

Alice lifted the guns off her back, and pushed her brows together"I have an idea"

Aurora turned the other way, ready to run because she didn't want to deal with that, but her eyes widened as she seen him, another Executioner, coming towards them. Two of them? Two of them? That just wasn't fair.

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