Resident Evil Extinction Chapter 4

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"Don't shoot!"

Aurora's eyes snapped open. She was standing, on somewhat shaky legs, with her pistol aimed at the young girl in front of her. With a heavy sigh, Aurora holstered her gun to her side and fell back against the couch.

The girl lowers her hands, nervously chuckling. "I didn't mean to startle you, I'm sorry"

Aurora flashed the girl a weak smirk, accepting the apology. The woman hadn't gotten much sleep between the aches in her body and complete anxiety she was suffering over Umbrella. It could have only been an hour, but light flooded through the blinds of the windows so though it hadn't felt like it, Aurora guessed she had been asleep for a while.

"My name's K-Mart" The girl introduced herself, awkwardly shuffling back and forth.

Aurora quirked an eyebrow, "That's an interesting nickname, K-Mart"

"It's where Claire and the others found me a few years back" K-Mart casually shrugged, "I never liked my name anyways, and what better time for a change then the apocalypse"

Aurora chuckled. It was refreshing to meet someone who could make a joke over, unlike everybody else who was just so damn serious all the time. "I get it" She lazily smirked. "I'm Aurora, and that's Alice" She nodded to Alice, who was still peacefully sleeping on the couch.

K-Mart slipped a bracelet off her arm and offered it to Aurora. "I wanted to give this to her as a thank you for saving us, but I don't want to bother her..."

Aurora leaned over and took the bracelet from K-Mart. "I'm sure she'll love it" It was sentimental, Aurora was sure Alice would love it.

"Thanks" K-Mart departed the motel with a smile.

Aurora stood up and stretched her arms. The headache was dull, but she could still faintly feel it. "What the fuck is happening?" She asked herself quietly. There should be no headaches, or pain, or anything. Something was wrong.

Aurora watched as Alice started to wake, groaning as she opened her eyes.

"Good morning, Sunshine" Aurora cheered sarcastically, ruffling through one of their bags. "It's a beautiful day outside! Full of sand, zombies and death"

"What happened?" Alice rasped, feeling like her throat was rubbing against sandpaper.

Aurora tossed Alice their water canteen over her shoulder. Alice clumsily caught the weightless flask, and drank the little water left.

"Well, you used your powers to create a massive shield that created a fire blanket that incinerated all the crows" Aurora listed, twisting to face Alice. "Carlos was among the ones you saved"

The accusing tone made Alice become defensive. "I didn't know he was here, if that's what you're getting at"

"I don't know what's happening anymore, Alice" Aurora snapped, thrusting a finger in the other woman's direction. "Do you know who else is here?"

Alice sat up, "Who?" She humored Aurora.

"Chris's sister"

Alice tilted her head, aggravatingly reminding Aurora of a puppy, "Chris Redfield?"


"The sister of the guy you were causally seeing before the apocalypse?" Alice said, trying to process what Aurora was telling her. "You're telling me, you and I stumbled across Carlos, and the sister of the guy you were sleeping with, in the same group of survivors?"

Aurora threw her hands up in the air, "That's what I'm saying!" She exclaimed, "What the fuck, right?"

Alice rubbed her eyes, inhaling and exhaling a couple of times before she could answer. This was all becoming a little overwhelming, and weird. "Did you get any sleep?" She asked, taking in Aurora's weary appearance.

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