Resident Evil Chapter 6

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With a grunt, Aurora swung the axe into the monitor on the wall, effectively cutting off the Red Queen's communications. The group paused as the light flickered off at the same time, wondering if the Red Queen had something to with it.

The Licker scattered away from the window, and after a tense moment of silence the door Spence had broken began to open.

Aurora was ready to swing blindly, but a familiar voice stopped her swinging.

"The bitch wouldn't open the door, so I have to fry here" Kaplan jested with a lop-sided grin, bracing himself against the metal door.

Before they could celebrate their mini victory, the Licker had come back and started to smash into the glass with more enthusiasm then before.

"Move!" Aurora yelled.

Matt lifted Rain effortlessly and carried her out with Alice hot on his heels. Aurora just made it out of the room when the Licker finally smashed through the glass. She and Kaplan quickly shut the door as the Licker launched at them, successfully capturing putting room between them and the monster.

"What the fuck was that?" Kaplan cried out in shock

Aurora grabbed his bare arm and tugged him away from the metal door. "It's a long story!"


Aurora led them to the train without any problem. The Licker hadn't made another appearance, and neither had any of the infected. It almost seemed too easy.

"Start it up" Aurora told the group as she approached Spence's body. The case of the T-virus and the cure was right beside the dead man.

Matt, who was carrying Rain, stepped into the train with Kaplan heavily limping beside him. Alice carefully approached Spence. There was blood everywhere, guts and pieces of him were spread like a bomb had exploded on him. Aurora leaned over and closed the case, quickly snatching it before Spence came alive and launched himself at her.

Aurora took a step backwards, and smirked at the pitiful resurrected body that crawled at her and Aurora. He reached for them with a mutilated hand, howling as tried to grab Aurora's leg. She joyfully stomped on his hand, shifting her weight down on it. The dead man screamed as his hand crunched gruesomely under Aurora's boot.

"Goodbye, Spence" Aurora teasingly held the case out to him, and gently swung it side to side, "I'll see you in hell" She gleefully chuckled, stepping on the train without another glance at Spence, Alice or the Hive.

Alice stepped forwards, holding the axe over her head as she simply said; "I'm missing you already" She silenced Spence once and for all.


Aurora carefully balanced herself on the rapidly moving train as she examined the syringe in her hands.

"This is going to hurt" She warned the female solider.

"I don't want to become one of those things," Rain's breath hitched as Aurora injected her with the needle, "walking around without a soul"

Aurora shook her head, pulling the empty needle out of Rain's vein. "You won't" Aurora confidently promised, "We're going to get out of this hell hole, and you're going to get laid as celebration" She added with a smile, setting the syringe back in the Umbrella casing.

There was a hint of a smile tugging on Rain's lips before it vanished. Rain knew that Aurora wasn't a bullshit Doctor. She may be too far gone for the cure to even work, as Aurora as said.

"You won't turn" Alice added from beside Aurora, "You've come this far, not for nothing"

Rain glanced up at Aurora, "When the time comes" She paused, inhaling deeply, "You take care of it" She instructed the Doctor.

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