Resident Evil Retribution Chapter 5

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(Hello! Just wanted to inform you guys of something awesome!

With the story almost over, I've decided to write a Alternate Universe of Project Aurora! It's called Our Inevitable Cliche. 

I'm excited and terribly, terribly scared about how it's gonna go. So, if please, please go read it! 

Fan, Vote, Comment and Enjoy!)


Aurora's fingers were digging into her wound as she held her wounded side. A stray bullet had pierced her vest, which Aurora was beginning to think was useless, and left her profusely bleeding. The blood was dripping from her fingers, leaving a thin trail behind her as she did her best to run behind Joan and Alice. 

It was then that the fiery explosion rocked the Suburban environment, throwing Aurora off her feet and to her knees. Alice turned, making Joan pause, and ran back to Aurora. Smoke was billowing in the not too far distance, disturbing the reflective panels above. 

"They're still coming"Alice grabbed Aurora arm, lifting her up"Go, Joan. Quickly"

Joan nodded, not looking back as she sprinted forwards. Alice had to hand it to the kid, she was taking the situation better then any other child would. A small grin pulled on Alice's lips, she had a child

Alice held Aurora up, wrapping a tight arm around her waist"When did you get shot?"She demanded, glaring down at the blood profusely bleeding through Aurora's fingers.

Aurora moaned in pain"On the way inside, I think Rain got me"She winced as Alice grazed up against her wound"It doesn't matter"She could deal with her wound when they had a moment"We need to get into Russia, into the subway. We can regroup there"

Alice didn't let Aurora go as she dragged them across the environment, barely catching up to Joan. Alice needed a moment of peace to ask Aurora some questions. What the fuck was happening? This didn't look like a rescue anymore.


Joan was aware of how different her mother's were, but she chose not acknowledge it because aside from the outfit changes, the fact that Alice had shorter and darker hair, and all the scars on Aurora's face, they still argued the same. 

Joan looked up. Aurora was still limping, one had on her wound and the other wrapped around Alice's shoulders. Alice had one had around Aurora's waist, firmly, and the other was holding the gun in a shaky hand. 

Terror aside, it was a comforting to Joan that Aurora still looked at Alice the same way.

Joan tugged on Aurora's vest"Are you alright?"

Aurora looked down at Joan, wincing at the vivid green eyes. She appreciated the concern, but didn't want to frighten the child anymore then she already was. It had been a long day for the kid, she didn't want to add to the fear. 

"I'm okay, Kid"Aurora assured the girl, hoping the pain didn't show in her expression"Don't worry about me"

Alice looked to Aurora for a moment, that was a lie easy to see through. 

The bleeding had stopped but the pain hadn't. Aurora was doing her best not to drag her feet, but she couldn't help it. The bullet was still lodged in her side, and it was becoming harder to step along side Alice. Alice quickened her pace, they needed to get into the subway station quickly. 

Joan looked back down and frowned. They still lied to her like she didn't understand what was happening. Her mother was in pain, she could obviously see that.

Aurora clenched her jaw, she needed to get a hold of the pain. It wasn't just Alice and herself, she couldn't just bitch and moan about her pain anymore.

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