Resident Evil Chapter 4

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Aurora watched bored as the group argued about Alice's plan to demand help from the Red Queen. Aurora knew that turning the Red Queen back on, and giving her full access to the Hive, would do more damage than good.

"That homicidal bitch killed my team!" Rain had voiced, using the little of her strength left to argue.

Alice continued to reassemble the Red Queen's core with Kaplan's hesitant help, "That homicidal bitch may be our only way out" She looked over her shoulder to Aurora for help.

"You didn't listen to me last time when I said you didn't understand what you were doing, so I doubt you're going to listen to me this time" Aurora shrugged, "I know you, Alice. You're going to do what you want regardless of what I suggest"

Alice glanced over to Spence, who shared Aurora and Rain's distaste for Alice's grand plan.

"With the way she's been treated, I'm sure she'll be real happy to see us" He said sarcastically.

Alice sighed and turned back to Kaplan, "Will you be able to turn her back on?" She gestured to the core

Kaplan fumbled with the remote in his hands, "Well, yeah but..."

"Then do it" Alice demanded.

Kaplan stood back, "If I hit the switch again she won't go down, she's gonna fry" Kaplan warned Alice. If they decided they had enough of the Computer, they wouldn't be able to turn her back on again which meant that the Hive would go dark once more.

He did as he was told, albeit rightly hesitantly. Instantly the red hologram started to appear in front of Aurora and Alice, but it began to scramble and vanish.

"Shit, Kaplan. What did you do?" Aurora groaned.

"The initial charge must have blown some switch boards" Kaplan deliberated

"Ah, there you are" The child-like voice startled the group, "Things, I gather, have started to get out of control" The British voice sounded strangely smug for an inanimate being. Aurora was starting to get the feeling that the Red Queen was more than just an ordinary A.I.

In a jolt of angry adrenaline, Rain leapt at Kaplan for the switch in his hand, "Give me that fucking switch! I'm going to fry her ass!"

Matt and Spence untangled the woman from Kaplan, who held the switch over his head, while Alice tried to calm Rain from doing anything rash.

Aurora stood back with an half amused, half annoyed expression.

"I did warn you, didn't I?" The Red Queen bragged.

Rain easily shoved the men off her, showing an impressive feat of strength, and stomped past Alice towards the core. "Tell us what the hell is going on down here" She demanded from the A.I

"Research and development" Answered the Red Queen vaguely.

Matt narrowed his eyes, glaring around the empty room. "What about the T-Virus?" He asked specifically

Off to the side, Aurora nervously shuffled back and forth. Stuck in a room with a handful of people who would happily shoot me; Fan-fucking-tastic.

"The T-Virus was a major medical breakthrough, although it clearly possessed high profitable military applications" It coyly explained.

"How does that explain those... things out there?" Kaplan inquired shakily.

"Even in death, the human body still remains active. Hair and fingernails continue to grow, new cells are produced, and the brain itself holds small electrical charges that take months to dissipate" The Red Queen continued, "The T-Virus provides a massive jolt to cellular growth and those trace electrical charges," There was a tense pause that followed as the Red Queen reconsidered her explanation.

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