Resident Evil Extinction Chapter 7

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As soon as Alice kicked down the shack's door, that ominous feeling in the pit of Aurora's stomach had come in full force.

The shack was plain; if the women didn't know better they would think it was somebodies home.

"Don't move" Aurora grabbed Alice's arm, tugging the woman backwards.

Alice pulled away, more than annoyed with her partner. "What?" She growled, catching the uneasy look on Aurora's face. "Don't do that, don't try and talk me out of-"

"Stop talking" Aurora demanded, successfully silencing the other woman. Her icy eyes scanned the room in its entirety.

There was no obvious entrance. The Hive under the mansion had been quite obvious, hidden behind a locked door that needed four different kinds of verification, but this was far more subtle for Umbrella.

Aurora watched the floor as she took another step forwards. The wooden floorboards seemed suspicious, if you could call a floor suspicious. The boards creaking under her feet just seemed too perfectly placed in the run down shack.

Aurora, much to Alice's utter annoyance, took her time as she examined each floorboard beneath her.

"You're being paranoid"

"Hey, wait!" Aurora exclaimed as Alice stepped further into the room, pausing as her foot sunk into the floor slight.

"And look at that" Alice mumbled to herself as the floor in the middle of the room opened, moving aside the table and chairs on top of it.

Aurora sighed, pushing aside the anxiety as she glanced down. It was an elevator shaft that went miles underground. Who knows what's waiting for us down there...

"You don't think this is a bad idea, do you?" Aurora implored, contempt coloring her tone. "I'll be honest with you. I'm not looking forwards to being trapped underground with only god knows what" The list of things that truly scared Aurora was small, but being trapped underground with a psychotic know it all was just under a horde of mutated Lickers on the list, and it was enough to make Aurora second guess Alice's lust for revenge.

"We didn't come this far for nothing, Aurora" Alice insisted, glancing at her companion with an eyebrow lifted to her hairline "Maybe you should have went with the Claire" She challenged.

"Please, like you could take down Umbrella without me. Ladies first, Captain?"


They stood together almost awkwardly as the lift took them farther and farther into the Hive. It made Aurora antsy, that much was clear to Alice.

The bloodied woman was rocking back and forth on her heels, nervously tapping her fingers against her thigh and every once and while mumbling incoherently to herself.

"You didn't have to come" Alice spoke quietly, trying not to startle her.

Aurora looked everywhere but at Alice, eyes straining to see under the dim, almost non-existent lighting. "You know this is as much of mine fight as it's yours" Her voice was much louder than Alice's, it bounced around the tunnel before Aurora could finish. "Besides," She added, quieter this time, "Where else would I have gone? If you haven't noticed, I need you more than you need me"

Startled by the sudden confession, Alice found herself gaping at the woman. "Aurora-"

Aurora cut her off, pulling her machete from her belt and swinging in between her fingers. "Show time" She announced loudly as the lift doors opened.

With a sigh, Alice dropped it and unholstered her pistol. We're going to have a serious talk about this after Isaacs is dead.

The doors opened, and Aurora was hit with a sense of nausea. She could taste the metal in the air; death was heavy here, and recent. The hallway in front of them was dark, illuminated by disorienting, flashing emergency lights. It had the same atmosphere Raccoon's Hive had, leaving Aurora queasier then a moment ago.

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