Resident Evil Afterlife Chapter 2

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Unedited from here. 6/17/16

Sleep was a foreign concept lately. She couldn't sleep. She could sleep when she was dead. It was going to be a long night too, she needed a way off the island, and her only option was one of the rusted, old planes.

Aurora was smart. Smart enough to become a scientist in her free time. Learn chemical's and create new ones, but that wouldn't help her here, as she tried to assess the damage of a plane. She didn't have the knowledge, or the equipment to fix this. And she was going to be stuck on this god forsaken island. Claire wasn't going to be left behind, and Aurora hadn't been the most pleasant traveling companion lately, Alice would happily get rid of her...

Aurora pushed a hand through her tangled hair and resisted pulling it out. The anger, the aggravation and depression was finally coming to it's high point as she stared at the stared at the stupid Umbrella helicopter.

Maybe I'll crash and burn on the way out. Needless to say, it was a long night. 


Alice had woken up to silence, which was unusual. Aurora would usually wake her up in the most obnoxious way possible, but today she woke up by her own nightmares. Where was Aurora?

The nightmares were getting better. Six months ago, she couldn't close her eyes without visions of death and destruction. Aurora brought up the fact that she may have had a psychic connection with her clones, but they were all dead now... Seriously, where was Aurora?

Claire was sleeping, tied up to the plane still. So many questions hit Alice at once, but none of them could be answered. What happened to everyone? Why had they left Claire with that device on her chest? How did she survive? Why couldn't she remember anything? Part of it made sense, Arcadia was a lie. Just a graveyard of planes and a beach. Aurora had been right.

There was no sign of Aurora near their make-shift camp site. Her bedroll hadn't been slept in, and her bag was gone. She couldn't have gone far, they were still on a island with nothing but miles of water surrounding them. And Alice would have surely heard their plane taking off without her. Maybe she was at the beach?

She had been sitting on the fallen log, eyes wondering the ocean. She was hunched over, her shoulder's barley moving as she breathed. She hadn't left, that was good.

"Good morning"

Aurora didn't look behind her as she heard footsteps, nor did she move when Alice spoke"Morning"She mumbled back. She sounded tired, exhausted. Had she slept? It didn't sound like it.

Alice sighed, now concerned for her friend"Did you sleep at all last night?"

"There was too much to do..."Aurora trailed off. She had spent the entire night fixing it, stuck in her own thoughts.

Alice rested a hand on Aurora's shoulder"You can't do that to yourself, you haven't slept in days now. It's not good for you, Aurora. It's not healthy"She told Aurora worriedly. The last thing they needed was Aurora dropping from exhaustion during a bad time.

It was still for a moment, nothing but the ocean waves as white noise. Aurora shrugged off Alice's hand"I've been thinking, the silence sort of put it all in perspective for me"She inhaled quietly"We've been doing this for years; get supplies, come across survivors, help them, loose supplies... It's was a disaster, but at least it kept us going and now... we haven't come across anyone in months"She exhaled loudly, rubbing her palms against her knees and shook her head"It's never going to get better, it's only going to get worse and I can't help to think that..."Her jaw twitched, and muscles cracked

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